Spires of Ascension - a NEW Devos spear bug

Here’s a new one that I haven’t seen in any other bug posts, but when I was throwing spear at Devos, even though the reticle was aimed directly on her body, when I threw the spear it veered off on a complete 90 degree course to the right. I’m not talking slightly to the right, I’m talking like the spear flew out of my ear and went that direction. It happened multiple times and caused us to wipe. We failed the key by 1.5s.

Thanks Blizz.

" may my aim be true".


I’ve done this dungeon 37 times and have thrown the spear in half of those runs between my Paly tank and myself and have never missed once. People keep making mistakes such as throwing at her head or not center mass after she moves when I watch them.

Not a new bug. What is happening is that the spear is hitting the bubble cast by the friendly Kyrian. It’s invisible to the spear operator but it is there. Changing your camera angle might fix it.

See here: Devos Spear is bugged in 3 different ways and only 1 of them was fixed

I’ve never missed either. But sometimes you hit her and nothing happens, because of latency. There is a client/server issue that means that at high latency there is unreliable reporting of Devos position. I’ve also been in runs where the spear clearly missed by 5 yards on my screen but Devos came down anyway.

It’s frequently an issue in pugs that have oceanic+us players. You need to have sub 100ms latency for the spear to reliably hit.