Spinning Crane Kick still being cancelled

Even after they hotfixed Chi Burst damage to no longer cancel Spinning Crane Kick, I can confirm that it is still being cancelled consistently. So either the fix didn’t stick, they didn’t fix it thoroughly enough, or there’s another ability erroneously cancelling Spinning Crane Kick.

To be clear, this isn’t me just cancelling it by using another ability accidentally, this is Spinning Crane Kick getting near instantly cancelled, less than a second after activation.

Anyone else able to confirm this as well?


Noticed that my SCK was cancelling at really inopportune times during M0s the other day. Wasn’t sure what the culprit was as I wasn’t keeping up with bugs, but given that you said it was originally a problem with Chi Wave, I’m gonna assume it’s still that.

This will feel really bad next week in keys if it isn’t given attention.

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This has been an issue during beta, was reported, and nothing was changed. Somehow made it to prepatch, was reported, nothing was changed. Somehow made it to early access, was reported, nothing was changed. So im assuming either blizzard doesn’t know this is a bug, or just dont care because such a small playerbase plays monk. Or maybe they just don’t know how to fix their own game.


The underlying problem is that due to a bug, EVERYTHING now cancels SCK, including interrupts. Previously, you could still interrupt during SCK.