Spinebreaker Horde Reconnections

Yup he opened it and I think at the time people didn’t know multiple people could within a time frame.

Add me on battle.net


Prayer/Killhem Orc Shaman. Used to be in guild called Waambulance. LF Guild Members. SLayer, Peacemaker, Flatbox, Zomo Smash, Seth ???box and whoever else was in it cant remember…

Was (and still am!) Orc Warrior
Guild: Forsaken Fate


Itchie Troll Hunter
Son of the Guild Master of Booty Bay Bootleggers(Rottenbardo, Magebardo, he had a shaman too but can’t recall the name)
Was a kid way back then, lookin to meet some people familiar and maybe not so that played then too.

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I played on Spinebreaker from Vanilla to BC.

Vanilla - undead warrior in PVP with Spinebreaker (Player) running AV premades. Cant remember my warriors name since I name changed him. I was also in The Royal Legion.

BC - Blood Elf Holy Paladin (Hitbubleheal) in the guild Drums of War. and played a resto druid for PVP named Actuality.

Desolation, undead warlock.

Forsaken Fate and Drunken Alliance.

Been awhile, seeing if anyone remembers me from back in the day.


Guild - Dawn of Valor
Toon - “Eplc” UD Mage

Played with a group of my RL friends - you may remember them as well.

Hellspawn - Rogue
Zugzugz- Rogue
Jerg - Warrior


I seem to remember being in Forsaken my main was Gamoro I was Troll mage hit me up if you remember me

Name: Baneoflife
Race: Undead
Class: Warlock
Guild: Wraith, Drums of War, Metal Robot,
Role: Warlock boi, trade troll


I memba

Paging Tonythetiger, Cowelf, Piggbutt, Hugefeet, Hollenfeuer

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Name: Fariz
Race: Orc
Class: Hunter
Guild: Fallen Champions, Customer Service.


To note: You didn’t quit, you got kicked when you traded your warrior for a mage.

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Holyoutlaw: Tauren Shaman
Guild: scÖrn
Realm: Spinebreaker


Misstarfire - BE - Hunter
scÖrn on Spinebreaker


So many familiar names :slight_smile:

Centaurus - UD Warlock
Centaura - BE Priest
Turdiefergie - Orc Shaman

Still in Rotten Claw :slight_smile:


WOW!! So many familiar names and guilds!

Valeretin - UD Warlock, really bad one. Still bad!

Only progression guild I was in during vanilla: Portent. Peeps from Cause for Concern and I believe Abandon All Hope merged to create it. Stressing my old lady brain cells trying to remember that!

Rolled toons on Bloodsail Buccaneers.


yes. Madcap was my hunter. He was like on demand when someone was ganking you.

Centaurus! Good to see you! I’ve tried rerolling on Spinebreaker several times but I never end up seeing anyone familiar on so I get depressed and go back to my care bear rp servers. Glad to see Rotten Claw is still banging around. I had heard that the guild collapsed and everyone went to different guilds.


Played a bit on an Orc Hunter named Olargee in a handful of guilds in Vanilla (anyone remember The Unforgiven, which if I remember right was much less successful than The UnforOHGODBEES?)

Played much more in BC on this character. Torpokon, Blood Elf Paladin. Guild was Pants.

Good to see you and desolation!

Always happy to see DA and DoV People’s

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