I was Sheliah (Human Paladin) and Auktopod (Night Elf Hunter) on Spinebreaker.
Raided with Climax but then Blizzard made us change our guild name to Annex (I think)
I remember:
Cianne (NE Druid)- IRL Friend
Ramaras - (Gnome Mage) IRL Friend
Kortex - “Frost Mage b*tch”
Octopus - Tanked for Climax/Annex for a while. Forgot to equip his shield when tanking Golmagg in MC I think
Zealot - GM for Climax/Annex
RNG - Best paladin name ever (until Blizzard made him change it)
Delia(sp?) - Night Elf Priest
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I remember you! We would be waiting in Theramore to kill Onyxia and you would tell hilarious PvP stories in Vent that usually ended with the line “Frost Mage, b*tch”
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I’m pretty sure I remember an event where you where you forgot to equip a shield for tanking Golemagg or something in MC for an Annex run, but healers kept you up anyway.
Good times!
Gnome rogue anklebitter lvl 60 earned knight in the honor system, was in quite a few guilds mostly pvpd
Human Priest - Joeleene
remember Yacoob, Macedonian, Bloodelder
Played a night elf rogue name solid guild CBk/exp
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I played a Night Elf warrior named Kritias when I was a kid
I remember a gnome rogue that I used to hang out with name Squeances, but my memory from back then is super foggy
I also remember liking my guild tabard a lot, Praetorian Knights or something like that
Ah they through you to the wolves and told us you left with all the mats. Guild fell apart shortly after. I added you on bnet. I have a guild of 30-40 people if you’re looking to raid again.
Anyone from Stand Fast around?
Omega- NE Hunter
Grimstone- Human Warrior
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Love my incompetence being broadcasted
I was Kahtah a NE priest that was in seraphim only because Crusher made me join, i miss the hell out of him and hope it wasn’t true.
I remember icee, crusher and gwarlord…that last one wasn’t Alliance though just a tauren shaman that still haunts my memories of Duskwood.
Hah, it was Vanilla and we were all drunk… occasional incompetence was the norm, expected, really
You were great my man!
Hi guys, I remember you Lief and I also remember Philzip from OOTBR!
I was Reebz, I played a Paladin. I was in Knights/Order of the Blue Rose and I was also in Seraphim.
I’ve rolled on Herod for Classic. Hit me up! Discord: Reebzy#1234
Hi all, I remember many of you.
I played this character in Vanilla. Aliagorn, human mage.
I played in a bunch of guilds, but namely: Resolve, Recently Bandaged, Bane of Iniquity, Synergy and played a lot with people in From the Ashes and Vox.
I used to PVP a lot with Macedonian, Bootz, and Pistoff, and run my own premades. I hit commander rank 11. Later in TBC I ran the guilds Heightened Potential and Ascendance. I look forward to playing with you all again… as a community…rather than whatever you call the thing we have today.
I rolled on Whitemane.
Omg I remember that Knives guy!
I leveled a human warrior named Anadase, then this human priest I am still playing, Oxidase. I was in a leveling guild I think it was called The Devil made me do it. Then l was in Infused socially until I joined Resolve to raid. In my downtime I danced on the pillars outside of the AH in IF. I remember Steinekin (human mage), Heinlager (mage), Kreeashun (NE rogue), Kirozen (paladin), Zoey (human priest and RL friend), and a few names I remember from Resolve are Yellowfive, Acta, Cynne.
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I’m rolling alliance on Whitemane. If you want revenge, go horde and I’ll be waiting…
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