Spiderling Rumor Mongers are too fast

The Spiderling Rumormongers like Thimble move entirely too fast when you accept their “Follow me” rumor.

While their follow doesn’t always require staying next to them depending on location. The ones that do require it for stealth reasons are pretty much non-starters due to the fact that they move near 150%+ run speed.

They regularly path through sections with hostiles meaning they will instantly leave you behind and render the stealth cloud they provide fully useless. This is especially problematic for the rumor spawn locations that are inside of the populated districts of the Nerubian city, as those generally have guards or actively hostile NPCs that will boot you out if you engage them. Mounting to follow isn’t even an option in most of those cases due to the spiderling you are following pathing through terrain effects that you can’t fit a mount through (stalls in the Bazar, under overcrop terrain, etc).

Normally, I’m all for “escort quest” NPCs to pick up the pace. But if the mechanic for them requires staying near them for detection/stealth reasons, they need to at the very least only move at 100% normal movement speed (probably 70 or 80% to account for latency and terrain obstacles they love to run over/through) and NO HIGHER.


Seconded. Thimble hasn’t worked since day 1. Thimble moves way too fast for any player who is not mounted or who doesn’t have a stacking run-speed travel form. I’m told that you have to be out of combat and not mounted in order to be concealed, that’s great - the concealment mist does NOT work, at all, no matter what. Even if it did, Thimble moves WAY too fast to keep up with. This is very much bugged since day 1.