Spider boss Plaguefall + Necrotic

No, if it can’t be done by certain class combinations then it needs to be fixed.

Name one class combo that it can’t be done on you have not done so.

Even the listed class combo it can be done on as such your agruement is fundamentally flawed.

It is only more difficult on some class combos not to the level of can’t be done. Yes it takes them knowing how to play but that is different than not being doable.

As said as a prot pally the least mobile of all tanks I can kite and reset just fine. It’s hard to do and would never do that by choice but that is significantly different than not being able to.

This most likely wouldn’t work, and even if it did you’re talking about abilities with a 3 minute cooldown whereas this is something you need to drop every 30 seconds after each add spawn.

At some point you need to just accept that this affix shouldn’t apply to bosses if the affix affect is going to be so wildly variable with different class combinations.

The stacks on the boss in question only needs to be dropped once over the fight I have never once had to drop it more than once even on tyr 15 so no it being on a 3 min CD is not a issue at all. Higher keys at some point you do need another drop but again if your group can’t handle the affix in question that is a issue with the group you need to adjust. Either by learning how, making a replacement or lowering key level.

It vary much would work and in fact have seen it done. Hense why I can suggest it even as a horde that dosent bother to learn the tricks of alliance classes.

Right, because you’ve never done it at that level.

And even if you did you’re a kyrian prot pally so it would be trivially easy.

if your group can’t handle the affix in question that is a issue with the group you need to adjust

If there are group comps that can’t handle certain affixes then it is the affixes that need to be adjusted.

I have done it at that level but do keep making claims otherwise.

No a affix dosent need to be adjusted since your group of 5 mages can’t handle them. A group being unable to handle a affix effectivly beyond the 15th level, as they are not built to is 100 percent fine. At the 15th level there is not a single spec combo that can’t handle this affix and you have yet to name one as said.

Even blizzard has outright said m plus is only balanced to the 15th level so no there being a hard limit to a given class combo is not a issue at all as every single one has a limit at some point. Hense why I was vary clear in my post about tyr 15 only needing one drop and only beyond that will at some point you need 2.

Not on necrotic week you haven’t.

Yes I have. But as said do keep claiming otherwise it is not helping you at all.

If you had valid agruements you would be posting them.

No, it isn’t 100% fine at all.

If there are affixes that need certain specs to be dealt with then those affixes need to be changed. You can’t just tell your regular group “sorry we are dropping you for a ret paladin this week because we can’t kill the boss without one”. That is just bad game design and you’d have to be pretty pig-headed to think that is how the game should work.

I have posted valid arguments. You are claiming you have done this boss on 15 tyrannical necrotic. Your raiderio page says otherwise. One of you is lying.

Again there is no hard requirement for x specs. Those specs make it easier it is not a hard requirement as it is quite doable without those specs.

This is no different than not having a list class making it harder or not having a night fea making mists more annoying.

There is not a single class combo that is unable to drop the stacks on the boss it is just more difficult. Massive difference than being unable to.

It’s very much different.

But those things are also bad game design.

Your looking at a raider io for this toon not my only toon this one has ksm obv not the one used for this week. Why would I use the one that already has its goals complete to run further keys not rocket sience. As said keep claiming as you wish only taking away from your points when you try to attack another vs posting valid points. You have not posted valid agruement you have made claims that it’s impossible/ unable to do, for given comps which is not true. Every comp can with some having greater difficulty which is fine.

Not different at all. In all listed cases is quite doable without the buff in question but eaiser with just like here.

As for bad design mabye but that is a entirely different discusion as that would than be about m plus as a whole being badly made not the affix in question.

Once every 30 seconds? What? You remove necrotic when stacks get upwards of 30+ and that should be 1 time, even on tyrannical. This is even on +15’s.

I pop cooldowns before the assassin’s spawn and then use speed boosts to grab all the spider adds. Killing them quickly is key to stop stacks from getting high.


Good lord, people, let it die!

lol @ the kyrian prot pally schooling the other peasant tanks about how they should just play better to counter necrotic. :rofl: