Spending 80$ on WoW tokens to get the best weapon in the game

Truly a fair and reasonable method of acquisition.


I mean, you could also play the game to get the materials.

The fact that you default to credit card swiping says more about you than the game.


What weapon would that be?

OP I hope you know everyone’s laughing at you, not with you


Same thread, different alt.


Are you new, OP? Legendaries back in the day also cost a crap ton of gold if you didn’t farm them yourself.

Y’all need to stop pushing dumb narratives.

Farm it up yourself, make the gold yourself. No one has to buy a token.

Geebus, these threads make me headdesk.


The next legendary they do should be gnome-only and as powerful as all other legendaries combined! And free 100% droprate only equippable by gnomes!


It’s at most 2 tokens (mats down around 550K). And gold can be farmed (25 days for me, just playing the same way I always do). Could even directly farm the mats :scream: , or at least some of them.
And it all depends on you getting the drop :scream: FROM PLAYING :scream::fearful::scream: . :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Tokens are for little pets, not weapons. And sometimes possibly a mount.

Weapons get replaced too quickly.



Spoiler: he won’t, I will though :innocent:

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I absolutely agree! I always wanted a battle pet with a legendary weapon :rofl:

Do you take constructive criticism?

I would like to add a minor change to your suggestion.

…! Murloc battle pet with legendary weapon! 🫨


Great… Now I have to decide between a murloc or a gnome battle pet…

And I can’t choose… Can I have both?

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Yes! :smiley:

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Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I don’t actually, and I never will. The only thing I pay for is my subscription and expansions and I will not spend a dime on anything else.

You know this might sound wild but…you dont have to buy wow tokens to earn gold.

Why would I invest time or money in a game that is clearly pay to win

Sure bud :wink:

I bet you spent your covid money on a brutosaur