Spending 80$ on WoW tokens to get the best weapon in the game

I didn’t get government handouts because I’m not poor and stupid

Or just play the game and get it?

I get that people are always looking for something to be outraged about but they’ve had crafted leggos since vanilla.

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People that aren’t poor don’t complain about $80 like it’s real money.

Nice try, welfare king.

It’s really not about the money. I could certainly buy it but I actually have impulse control so I’m not going to. The reality is that being able to purchase the best gear in the game just makes the game worse.

Pfft i wish i had a long boy mount

You should work at mcdonalds for a week and wait for it to come up on the BMAH, because nothing matters anymore that cannot be bought with real currency!

Have you tried getting Tier 3 from Naxxramas yet? Also if you have issue with spending $80.00 in this day and age when it’s roughly 4 hours of work, or 2 trips to McDonalds, I think you have a bigger issue on your plate friend.

Ya spam at this point for sure.

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I don’t know - why are you investing time and money in WoW?

Also, I’m not sure what you mean by Pay to Win. What do you win?

Kind of an assumption considering only 2 players have even gotten it so far. 2 players who are in professional guilds with maxed out crafters. I’ll wait until a regular player gets it to see how much it costs them.

A legendary weapon. It’s kinda in the title.

t only says “best weapon in the game”. It doesn’t say which class it’s for. And if it’s the Evoker weapon, don’t you kinda have to get the item in raid first? No amount of money will help with that.

Unless they changed it so that any Evoker can get it. That’d be nice…for my Evoker.

Eh, spend a couple hours working overtime at my job vs the dozens or hundreds of hours grinding mats for the original legendaries (Hand of Rag, Windfury) seems like an absolute win.

what exactly does it say about him? oh right doesn’t say anything except that he has spare money for wow tokens. the end

I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you…


Those are eternal. This weapon by easter…vendor sale for what 200ish gold?

I could say well its the mog. But p2w types tend to not be mog hunters. Also mog hunters barring tendie addicts…we jsut go run crap till it drops. We’d take 10 runs for drop. But we go again at 50 tries if need be lol.

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Or it could just drop from the boss like glaives did, or there could be a quest tied to killing bosses in the raid. This has been done before several times and it doesn’t take a genius to realize they just wanted money.