Spellslinger needs a better name

Maybe Tidecaller, since the image of tides evokes both water and the sky, since the moon controls the tides. Also calls back to the Kul Tiran tide sages, and I think invoking Kul Tiras is great since Jaina is the quintessential frost/arcane caster in WoW lore


Tidecaller sounds a lot more like a Shaman thing, but I do agree it should be named something other than the extremely generic spellslinger. I’d actually argue all 3 Mage hero trees should be renamed.

It’s going to depend largely on what the tree does.

I’m not exactly excited by the name, however, the name might befit the tree when it’s released.

I’ve made the comparison before, but a “Gunslinger” is a term we use for the American Old West for people with a reputation for being in shootouts and who was “quick on the draw” (I mainly took this from Wikipedia, but there are other sources that say similar if not identical things).

Taking the definition to its fantasy-based counterpart, there are some things I would expect / like to see from a “Spellslinger” in WoW

  • Instant casts
    • Either a new spell or something that makes existing spells instant
    • Possibly a reduced GCD when using instant cast spells
  • Increased haste / reduced cast speed
  • Movement boosts
    • Movement speed
    • Extra Blinks
    • More ways to cast while moving
  • Spells that cast while other spells are casting
    • Maybe not an explicit cast by the player, but something like “X% chance to cast Y when you cast Z”
  • Increased range
    • Either for existing abilities or on a new one with a longer range

I’d expect a class like this to be very Time / Arcane heavy in utility but Frost / Projectile based in throughput. Things like “When Alter Time is reactivated or expires, launches an icy shard at your target equal to the health restored or removed” would fit the theme here.

Like I said, the name doesn’t exactly keep me up at night pondering what they’re going to give us, but I’d make the argument that the name could be absolutely perfect for what they were trying to achieve when it’s all said and done. It doesn’t evoke the same emotions as seeing “Rider of the Apocalypse” does, but there’s still a chance it’s exactly what it should be.



I really don’t care about the nomenclature but if the tree has spells that look like what the Tidesages in BfA were using I’d be thrilled! Unfortunately, I highly doubt that’s going to be the case. Virtually everything they’ve released so far for every class has been just a mash of already existing spells that are now simply available cross spec. Personally, I find the whole thing very underwhelming and don’t understand why people are harping on about what it’s called when we should be focusing on what it is, or rather what it isn’t.

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Mind you, that kinda stooges the Horde in that name-regard though. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

It would’ve been cool if they kept Zelling around :grin: He was a really cool character! Someone & something that made me enjoy the Horde faction war abit more until they ripped that small victory from us too. :pensive:

If they brought Zelling back with Val’kyr or something & revealed a handful of Kul’Tirans that got abandoned by the armies to death by the hands of either Naga, old god shenangins or Drustvar horrors; thus joined the Horde in Death & taught them Tidesage ways etc — I’d probably be more or less alright with ‘Tidecaller’ joining the ranks on the Hero-Spec for the Horde too.

I predict the name ‘Spellslinger’ will be called ‘**itslinger’ on the forums, 'eh? :wink:

We got ~

  • Spell-Weaver
  • Battle-Magus
  • Invoker of order
  • Binder of Anomalies
  • Conjurer of Mysteries
  • Runebound Scholar

Said this in another thread, but wish they’d taken this in another direction. Something like “Expansionist”, theme being the heat death of the universe, cold emptiness of space, reverse entropy, anti-gravity, etc. “Spellslinger” just doesn’t really fit Arcane or Frost specifically at all…

I can’t even picture what it will be just from the name and that’s not a good sign. The only spell in the entire mage toolkit that can be “slung” is Ice Lance. I don’t see how they could build an entire tree around that. Alternatively, it might be a proc heavy tree where casting one spell procs another so you get that “slinging” feeling with multiple missiles flying off but I can’t picture how that will work either. It’s just too early to tell.

I would like the following to be considered:

  • Grand Magi
  • Sorcerer Supreme
  • Gandalf
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I think tidecallers are shamans

Icicler tickler


Tidecaller makes no sense class wise or spec wise when referring to spellslinger lol. Perhaps a mage hero spec, but really that should be related to shaman.

These are nice BUT they aren’t really on the same level of the other names. I feel names like these would make alot of people feel like its THE hero spec or the last stage. They just arent grounded enough, if that makes sense.

LMAOOO! I was just thinking that players and NPCs that have these “splinters” embedded in them should be forced to /yell “Mommy, I got a splinter!” :rofl:

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