Spells / Talents

I like what Blizzard did with the talent tree, the previous ones were too lazy and simple, though I don’t like it that they turned classic spells into talents. Warlock’s Rain of Fire being a talent, this makes no sense, add new spells to the talents instead of just removing standard spells from the classes and making them talents, this is laziness and makes class fantasy make no sense at all. Same with Affliction having Seed of Corruption as a talent now, make these talents into standard spells again and try to design new talents, I am sure Blizzard can manage it, they are doing it with the new hero talents in The War Within, so quit removing classic stuff from the game and try making new interesting things instead.

Some bonus sets are also dependent on talents, which, again, makes no sense. You are compelled to use Dimensional Rift as Destruction because the bonus set improves it, instead of improving a standard Destruction spell, even if a passive one. WoW has always had problems with talents in terms of one build being way too strong and thus there’s no sense in trying something different, which is disappointing, why have a talent tree if you are compelled to choose a single one always? Make Dimensional Rift a standard spell instead of a talent then, and I don’t even like this talent, I liked that they removed this spell in BFA and now they added it again, and they made it too op.

Anyway, that’s what I think, talents should be redesigned. Perhaps not for all classes though.

But this tier set is hands down the best set all expansion.

Rift hits hard and is instant cast.

There is always going to be a bis talent setup.

It can be, the issue is not having alternatives here. Making it a talent and so op that it’s basically mandatory makes the existence of other talents useless to begin with. Main issue here is how they turned classic spells into talents, and that’s not defensible.

There are alternatives. They just do less damage. This isn’t anything new.

See above.

That’s not really an issue. If we never had had the 5 talents and stick with the traditional BC/wrath style trees they would have been talents.

If the alternatives do less damage they are useless, dude, that’s the point here. This isn’t new, happens since ever, and that’s what I am criticizing, Blizzard could have solved this years ago and they didn’t.

If a talent is too strong that it makes the other useless, it’s a bad class design, this is just a fact, you liking it or not.

It is an issue, yes, talents are talents, regular spells aren’t. Pure bad design and that’s it, ask them to fix it instead of irrationally defending bad decisions.

That’s a terrible point because the alternatives have always done less damage.

Best talents do x. Y talents do less because if they did higher they would be the x talents.

The other talents aren’t useless. They just aren’t performing as well. That’s why builds and talents change over the course of an expansion.

It’s not an issue at all.

They could just make it so that the talent they build the tierset around is auto unlocked on the spec tree when you have the tier on. This would occur regardless of, if you have the talents building up to it and that would give us a free point.

This way you can have even more build diversity.

Something like this should be played with or tested for a tier.

I do think that tier sets based around specific abilities should make the spells strong enough that you want to take them. Make the tier set bonus worthwhile. Unlike the current Windwalker set bonus that buffs a number of abilities including Whirling Dragon Punch, but WDP is still so weak even with the buff that it’s not worthwhile.

That being said, they shouldn’t base tier set bonuses around capstone talents since we have very few points to spend at the end of a tree. If DR was higher up in the tree or baseline, it would be fine. But it’s annoying due to it’s location in the talent tree.

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