Spells NOT being retained to action bars after logging out

Hi, I have to CONSTANTLY re add my spells to my action bars EVERY time I log out then back in!! But it seems to ONLY be in Remix:Mists of Pandaria.

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But not across all characters. My hunter is fine, but I have to re-add all my spells for my shadow priest each time I log in.

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There is a Blue thread on this :

inside a few workarounds from either making a new talent loadout, or possibly a new UI layout that have worked for some.

Thank you, but it’s not the same issue the action bars work I just need to RE add my spells after every log out and @Poldark it’s on MY shadow priest as well

that is one of the issues mentioned

as I had the same issue on a remix character, and creating a new talent loadout was the fix that worked for me.

I’m still not sure if it’s the same issue my priest is almost 40 AND it wasn’t an issue until TWW pre patch

Many in the thread got it on their 70’s.

My remix char was 42 when I got it so it’s still worth a read, as it’s a known issue and there is a couple of workarounds to try.

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So delete my talents and Re choose them? I’m not using a load out.

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don’t need to delete them, for me it was simply clicking the drop down and selecting +New Loadout to save my current build, as a new loadout that fixed it.

For a few others they mentioned making a new UI Layout also helped.

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Humm I’ll see what happens when I log back in ty

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Good luck, hope it works for you!

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Same issue and also specialization…ie mining herbalism reset to start, no specialization at all

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I doubt that is a coincidence.

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Same issues, it makes the game unplayable

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I have the same issue and I’ve submitted a ticket but blizzards incompetent tech support just told me to do exactly what I already stated I did and then closed out my ticket. I went as far as formatting my computer and reinstalling windows. I’ll have to try the loadout thing because I did use a loadout to set up my talents.

If you’re using the Default Loadout on your Talent page, simply create a New Loadout and the problem is immediately solved.