Currently 8/8H AOTC and have members pushing 18-20 key range. LGBTQ friendly/all inclusive.
Raid times: Thurs 6pm - 9pm server ( 9pm eastern ) and Fri 6pm - 8pm ( Server )
We usually have people on pushing keys during the week/weekend in the evenings, our main tank is trying to get people interested in a Sunday transmog night, I am trying to get people m+ rating.
Current goals are mostly to recruit chill people for next season and hang out, as we are a newly formed amalgamation/guild of various groups of friends. Lots of people are currently gearing alts for next season. I am trying to get as many people 2400 m+ rating as I can and get people 18-20’s for vault upgrades. For raids we desperately need melee dps but any class/spec/player will be considered. Any m+ player would be highly valuable too!
Please reach out to me or Teggins ( our main tank ) if you are interested. We are all pretty chill/friendly and anyone can help you out!