Spell Steal MCed Teamate

Was playing with buddies and they claim as a mage I can spell steal MC or essentially purge off of a teammate when he’s being MCed, this seems unlikely to me since it is not a buff, can anyone confirm or deny if this is true.

Yes, purging a teammate who is Mind Controlled will break the MC.

Spell steal isn’t a purge though, it steals one buff, MC isn’t a buff, or you would become controlled. Says a beneficial effect right in the tool tip, so if my MCed priest is frost novaed I could spellsteal that off as well, seems unlikely.
If the buff can’t be moved from the target to you, it says nothing to steal.

This has been in the game since 9.1. It was an intended change.


Hmm , Don’t see spell steal being able to be used to purge a teammate in any patch notes. Doesn’t seem correct, it’s not a buff…9.1 only mentions klepto changes to spellsteal. People keep saying purge, like they play a shaman, spellsteal isn’t a purge, it’s a buff steal. I’ve never seen Xar or Venruki dispel their healers getting MCed by enemy priests.

100% works. Purge, Dispel Magic, Mass Dispel, etc all take it off. Enemy MC puts a buff on your ally.

Ok thx, they should make an add on for it, like decursive, as a mage, rarely target my teammates. Do you always get it the first try, I spellstole MCed teamate in solo shuffle last night and took 3 steals, not sure if I got it off or just ended, first try add on said nothing to steal.

Yes it is, 100% absolutely is a purge as it purges buffs from the enemy player.

A purge dispels a buff, spell steal moves a buff from the target to the caster, nothing is dispelled.