Spell lock on Felhunter Vs Player Bound

This would be fantastic in allowing the Warlock to freely interrupt from themselves, or utilise the pet’s range and los advantages.

This covers all possible needs tbh


Fair enough, I was wrong.

You guys all proved me wrong, awesome.

This change is terrible, I NEVER use felhunter… any competitive demo player doesn’t. This interrupt would’ve been so cool.


What are you talking about? Holding threat is what a Voidwalker does!

For me in Torghast the Voidwalker was my emergency tank if my Felguard died. Not to mention the fact that, for non-Demo warlocks, you can let your Voidwalker die if it’s badly hurt, quickly summon a new one and continue the fight with your Voidwalker at full health.

Yeah no, it doesn’t hold threat at all, I know I am a destro main, it takes all of one chaos bolt and I’m tanking it, in or out of torghast, it is so pointless that I don’t even bother with it at this point.

Even while leveling people have complained it can’t hold threat in solo content

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All this could be solves with a talent in the tree. There’s talents where you can chose between two options.

option 1 : spell lock on the fel hunter
option 2 : spell lock on the warlock

Problem solved. But blizzard will listen to the top 1% again and also the guys who think they are top 1% but really are not even close. As a demono lock i hate not being able to interrupt myself since the pet interrupt is a stun and there’s situation where you want to interrupt and not stun (sanguine week) …


It’s a stun that also acts as an interrupt if the target is not stunable. In some situations it’s something you don’t want to do if the target is stunable. If a tank ask you to interrupt a stunable target in the back to bring it to him you can’t. If you have to interrupt a stunable caster standing in sanguine you can’t (you can MC it but you then lose your 20% healing for some time and it’s also a longer CD). With the new talent tree having talent with choice it’s hard to understand why blizzard doesn’t put the choice between the pet or the lock as the source of the interrupt there.

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This is also false. Per the link I provided, it always interrupts the target, regardless of their susceptibility to being stunned. As for the rest, I’m not sure who it was meant for; I merely pointed out that axe toss is a full fledged interrupt.

I’ve never had a problem with it with my Destro for leveling. The only reason I can think of for VoidWalker not holding threat is if they at some point switched off its threat aura. Having said that, I’ve never done Mythic so maybe the high-level gear messes with its ability to hold threat.

I don’t see why it can’t be both, like how hunters can have Tranquilizing Shot on both their character and a pet. There are benefits to having it on the character as well as the felhunter.

Make it so that if the Warlock has the felhunter out and uses the interrupt, it goes on cooldown for BOTH spells (on the character and the felhunter simultaneously) so they can’t double interrupt. Having an interrupt on the character is the one change that I was living for. Out in the open world and in solo content like Torghast, where I’m using a voidwalker, I have no interrupt and it feels bad. Even demo locks get an interrupt with the main pet they use, so… ?

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Hunters also have over 500 pets they can have vs our 16 soooo we know the fav of the two.

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Once you are geared it doesn’t really matter though as you will decimate everything in your path in pve before they can even touch you. And if something if too strong (and not kiteable) for you to do that then the voidwalker wont be able to tank that mob. I have over 100k health with priest buff and when i do valor run in mythic+ 5 and less i often have more health than the tank and can tank for a while with CD if the tank die. If i pop my infernal i’m mostly unkilleable unless in raid or mythic+ 10 and up and everything melt.

The problem is when you are not geared this is where you need the voidwalker and this is where the lack of an interrupt will hurt you the most in solo pve. A good example is when Thorgast opened and you were a fresh 60. Ideally you wanted the voidwalker to tank and some boss or mini boss needed to be interrupted as well to survive.

Keep the interrupt on the felhunter, give warlocks a baseline silence. Bam