Spell hit worth currently?

Hit % has a certain spell power value depending on class/spec, but if you want the biggest parses right now, you just ignore hit, stack damage, and hope for good RNG. If you want to get more consistent damage, you add hit based on the spell power to hit stat weights. You could probably make the same argument for crit %.

For instance, at my current gear & assuming 3 min fight, spell hit is worth about 15 spell power. But fights are way faster than that and mage gets 6% from talents and there’s only 4 slot worth using hit in: boots, neck, helm, belt - I think warlock is the same except no boots since their pvp set doesn’t have it, and chest instead of helm b/c of tier. So yeah, max +3% hit for warlock, +4% hit for mage… So that would mean if you cast 100 shadowbolts/frostbolts you could at a maximum get 3 as a warlock, 4 as a mage more to hit. But most fights you’re probably under 30 casts… so very negligible gain at current tier. Maybe Warlock gets an off-hand or something I’m forgetting about… but 3-4% max isn’t much.

My BiS currently would have 1% hit from pvp boots - mainly since 2 piece is +23 dmg. And 1% hit from T1 helm because 3 piece is +18 dmg (although, you could gain 1-2 more dps by just using greens helm/bracer over T1 which could equate to a much larger gain in max DPS). So technically only 1 piece of hit is worth using in every situation as a Mage. I can’t speak for Warlocks since I don’t play Warlock, but I’d imagine it’s kind of similar. Choker of the Fire Lord much better than Star of Mystaria and Mana Igniting Cord is better than Ban’thok Sash.

You don’t understand warlock gear then, I just listed off why hit isn’t good currently. There are literally only 3 items with hit on them and none of them are that good, by equipping them you would lose 86 spellpower or 65 sp 2% crit.

Yes hit can be good compared to some items, but you aren’t going to use these over the top tier gear pieces.

According to “Zephan’s Warlock Simulation” (spreadsheet):

1% Spell Hit is worth about 12-15 spell damage depending on your gear and whether you have a corruption slot. 1% crit is worth the same.

As you gear up, hit gets more valuable (and does so faster than crit). For example, popping a flask immediately adds to hit’s value over spell damage.

However, you can only get it on 3 items right now.

Banthok Sash is pre-BIS
Star of Mysteria is good, but not quite pre-BIS (Dark Advisor’s Pendant is better)
Felheart Robes are just bad for PvE.

Also, don’t worry about getting hit-capped. It’s not going to happen until TBC.

That’s different than lack of value. It will show up regardless of if you have 1% or 17%, that’s the point. The reality is that hit chance, specifically casters, is not crucial like it was in later expacs.

I realize you’re trying to be witty in your response, but you’re right I don’t know warlock gearing. What I do know is that hit has a stat weight and its impact isn’t impacted by the amount available. Its impacted by how well the gear is itemized and, as you and many others have pointed out, it makes it not worth going for. Based on this and other threads have discussed I have no reason to think otherwise especially with how fast boss fights are for us right now you are better off stacking SP and YOLOing it up.

All I have been arguing against is the idea that “You can only get 1-3% so it has no value because I can’t physically tell”. Hit rating is not crucial in classic, but as Semit just pointed out hit has a value of 15SP for him so yeah trading off 86 sp or 65/2% crit isn’t worth it. Not, nor ever, been arguing that because that is stat value weighting and is my whole point.

now now children no need to quarrel think its safe to assume that I can just bag all my hit gear for now as it will come in handy later but for the moment spell damage will be the go as most of my kit has significantly more spell damage than its hit equivalent.

None of the hit gear you have now will come in handy later other than maybe t1 robe for pvp.

all good boys, the very next raid i got Choker off rag looks like i wont need to split hairs after all.

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It just doesn’t seem worth it yet. I’m holding onto a couple pieces for when I have the spell damage to justify it.

From the standpoint of pure damage, spell hit is rarely worth it.

Spell hit really isn’t worth it when it comes to DoT since they involve a huge lump of concentrated damage that you can’t recast immediately except if it gets resisted.

For a Warlock, spell hit is inferior to spell critical due to Improved Shadow Bolt. Other specs (Fire Mage, for example) have similar concerns.

However, for certain effects like interrupts and CC, spell hit is often critical because you don’t want these effects to miss at all. That being said, the spell hit cap is normally +5% for these effects since you can’t interrupt/CC most raid bosses anyway.

From what our Lock officer says, high parses atm are pretty much pure RNG. Having the max available hit just slightly increases your chance of getting good RNG. If you don’t get lucky crits then you’ll probably lose out a fair bit on someone who did. With MC fights lasting 30 seconds to a minute max you don’t have time to “average” good DPS you’ve gotta just get lucky and hope your first 3 shadowbolts crit.

This statement doesn’t make sense.

1% spell hit increases your average damage by some amount.
1% spell crit increases your average damage by some amount.
1 spell damage increases your average damage by some amount.
1 int increases your average damage by some amount.

The question we should be asking is not “is X stat worth it”. The question is “how much are these stats worth relative to each other”.

If you look at Zephan’s spreadsheet, 1% hit is worth about 11-15 spell damage. That value goes up and down a little depending on what gear you’re wearing, what spec you are, and whether you can cast corruption on the boss.

That valuation is good enough to make a determination about which pieces of gear are better. For example whether Star of Mysteria or Choker of the Fire Lord is better (choker is MUUUUCH better).

In terms if itemization right now, there aren’t many good hit pieces. However, that starts to change with BWL, and REALLY changes with ZG. Bloodvine is so good, we’re going to be wearing it deep into Naxx.