Spell behavior on Burden of Power and spell queuing is now inconsistent beyond the "double-dip"

I understand the frustration that stemmed from the removal of the double dipping but all of these inconsistencies are the result of players trying to force it work even after the change. There’s needless stubbornness on both sides of this issue. The bottom line is that Blizzard consider using the spell queueing system to double dip a “bug” or rather an unintended interaction. If you want change you have to meet them halfway.

So let’s get down to brass hacks. What is it that made the double dipping rotation fun? Was it pressing your buttons in a certain way? Surely not. Was it the bit of extra damage you got on the double dipping ABarr? Not really. No, it was being able to break the monotony of AB spamming in single target and being able to press ABarr more frequently. In other words, people like using ABarr and don’t want to constantly spam AB.

If that’s the ultimate goal then surely there are better ways to integrate ABarr into Arcane’s single target rotation than messing around with spell queueing and double dipping. I’ve made one such suggestion and there are others too so let’s try to be productive and find a way we can get what we want in a way that Blizzard is okay with instead of fighting them tooth and nail over what amounted to little more than a creative workaround to something that can be achieved in more direct ways.

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