Spell Batching - YIKES

Everything you mentioned is exactly how it was in vanilla. Including how fears and totems worked

Dont like it play bfa. When they changed it.

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If you can see the other person casting sheep it should be impossible for you to initiate sheep and have you both end up sheeped. Even if you start casting the first millisecond it appears on your screen as them casting.


This is false. It won’t work. It’s a bad strategy and I doubt Act/Bliz is that stupid.

I will never go back to retail. Most of the people I play Classic with couldn’t care less about retail. If Classic is popular and making them money, they will want it to continue.

They have already fixed problems/exploits in the game and will continue. They really do need to fix the ‘batching’ artificial latency issue in the game. I don’t think there is any good reason to have this.


I haven’t played BFA - I played from Vanilla - WOTLK - I definitely remember doing pvp in vanilla and later arenas and it NOT working like this.


Batching does not work the same as it did in vanilla.


Had a few more things I was told to add to the list:

  1. Interrupting a spell cast and getting the interupt effect but the cast still going off well after the interupt.

  2. Apparently mage slows take a while to kick in, so if a mage uses Blizzard or something the mobs can path right through it.

  3. Warlocks are having a similar issue with curse of exhaustion where it takes a second or two for the mob/player to slow down.

  4. Rogues are noticing an issue with being on top of a mob/player and having it all the sudden say “you are too far away” to have the hit or finisher land a split second later.


Another weird thing I noticed is that if you run into the zepplin tower on a mount sometimes you can make it almost to the top before being dismounted and sometimes it dismounts you immediately.

I’m not sure if that is batching - I remember running into flag rooms on my mount and getting flag sometimes before the game caught up during WSG.

Maybe it is?

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This makes zero sense. You think everyone that only re-subbed for classic is going to say, “Oh well, I guess I’ll play retail now”? Blizzard knows how many subs they got from classic, and they also know most of those players will un-sub if classic goes away or is otherwise unrecognizable to them. It’s in Blizzards best interest to keep both classic and retail in a state that players can enjoy.


Not sure why blizzard would risk MILLIONS of dollars by doing this.

Makes no sense. I think it’s all just low prio for them, and they have themselves convinced this was part of the “warts and all” they warned the community about. Even though it isn’t.

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This has nothing to do with batching, this still happens in retail, the way it works is the server ticks at a certain rate and it detects if you are in a “no mount zone” periodically, if you get lucky you can end up not being dismounted immediately because the server hasn’t updated your position as being in a no mount zone yet

Isn’t that exactly what batching is?

Edit: I remember Celestalon explaining that batching is still in the game, it is just so fast now that it is effectively no longer noticeable.

As a fellow shaman I share your experience. You need to factor all of the points you’ve made into your healing.

It’s part of what makes classic what it is. You need to adapt or your tanks will keep dying at the same time your heal lands.

Interrupt spells at the start of their cast instead of at the end. This isn’t retail.

Like another player said at the start of this thread, you need to play proactively.

Thats similar to how batching works but its not the same system effecting each other

Thats pretty much how everything in the game works actually but they are all set to different refresh rates, the mount check rates are very slow because it doesn’t really need to be fast, but the tick rates for abilities is much faster in retail so the “batching” rarely happens

In classic they purposely make the refresh rate very slow compared to what would be considered ideal for smooth combat to simulate an “average” players connection during vanilla

I’m sorry but really is as simple as “git gud”.

Gtfo troll, if i interupt a spell before the cast finishes and it still goes off thats just complete trash servers hampering actual skillfull play

Only a garbage player would think thats acceptable in terms of displaying mechanical skill in the game


You can’t because how batching will affect your spells is random, or at least not visible on the player side.

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Same …but if only 1% do try out shadow-lands that is still a win for them. so its not entirely a bad idea on their part, its a common tactic in business called the bait and switch.

But that would imply there is only like a 1 tick per every few seconds rate and that makes no sense. It must be at minimum 20 per second, but hopefully like 30-60.

While mounted you would only make it 1 foot or maybe 2 feet inside a building before a server tick.

The batching rate is 400MS, so almost half a second.

And yes you can make it quite a way inside a building or dismount zone sometimes before being dismounted.