Spell batching & other authentic functions

You arn’t achieving anything be engaging him either. You are just egging him on. You are going to be kicking a ball against a wall for the entire thread. Don’t engage him.

Probably, but you can convey that message without calling him a rat.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen this argument before here and seen his arguments against it.

And while I appreciate you have a strong negative opinion of him, calling him names only serves to feed him more “victim” points and say he’s always being harassed and when Blizzard looks into it, they’ll side with him.

He can call himself a victim if he wants. Only makes him more pathetic, imagine wanting to be a victim in life. If he wants to cry to blizzard he can, he probably already reported my first post calling him a rat. Like Galdor and a few others, they are just complete t-total rats.

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Nah, I just take as acceptance that you can’t refute my point and have to resort to insults knowing I’m right :slight_smile:

Everytime I see this, I realize that there won’t be spell batching, and 99% of the people asking for batching will think its in anyway.

You can shatter combo without spell batching… That’s not what spell batching is… There’s been a grand total of 4 private servers that have tried implementing Spell Batching, and none of them were the major popular vanilla one, yet you can shatter combo on Nost/LH/Ely just fine.

This system is wildly misunderstood for something so heavily requested. Its like people just heard of it somewhere and started asking for it without looking into what it actually is and does.


You havn’t won a single argument on anything and you have been proved wrong time and after time. You are selfish and you want things to cater to your weak mindset.


Why, I never! Scandalous! Unheard of! And totally not what 95% of the posts on this forum are!

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Yeah you sound mad you can’t actually make a reasonable argument.

I gotta reasonable argument to make:

I’m gonna enjoy classic WoW, Warts n all. :smiley:


This is pretty much it. It was part of the combat system. It was important.

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I’ve said the results of it are very random and unpredictable, which is true.

I’ve never said it’s a bug, what I’ve said is it’s a fluke of server architecture not an actual gameplay design decision, basically the same as server crashes losing some of your progress.

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Can we agree on predictably random?

Or, randomly predictable?


It is predictable though, if you are good enough. People do randomly utilize it without even trying. You are wrong.

You have called it a bug in the past in other threads.

Spell batching is on lines with a server crashing and losing progress? You mean the re-roll bug? Are you really comparing those two things. I’m done here. You can’t argue it besides saying that “its random” apparently.


No it’s not, there are very very specific situation where very specific things can work sometimes, but for the vast majority of times it is completely random and uncontrollable.

That’s because you don’t understand the point.

There was a point to all this? Yeesh, I’m sure missing out.


+1 To authentic feels: Spell Batching

Warts 'N All people! what’s so hard to understand about that?


For you because you’re not good enough to utilize it.

Because of that why do you even care? For you it makes no difference either way.

The only reason I can fathom you would be opposed to the original experience would be one of two truly absurd possibilities.

A: You desire to lower the skill cap in Classic wow.

**Or **

B: You oppose anything that’s authentic Vanilla.

There is no other logical conclusion.


The only way I remember wow pvp is with spell batching. I hope they implement it.


Spell batching was a produce of the server architecture. Its changed. I don’t see it happening on live.

I dont think it would be detrimental to the vanilla experience. At least I get to see which mage has the faster poly in duels.