Spell Batching in Classic

I made a survey to see what people are gonna be playing. I will probably play the least voted on race/class combo :smiley:


I will be posting the results in a couple weeks.

For the Horde.

This is delightful news. Light bless your lil’ ol’ heads!

Yesss. The old shatter combo is back.

Hell ya brother

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Looks like it. The backend change they did to fix this (which was during MoP era I think) was such a massive improvement to combat flow all around. Really sad they are rolling this back. Raging about failed vanishes is not something I’m excited to experience again.

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I had to use a different site since the first one stops at 50 respondents.


I will be posting the results in a couple weeks.

For the Horde.

Do share how the pros out weight the cons in pvp for this please.

I don’t need to explain why getting the spell processing right to help preserve the game “outweighs” anything.

Also it’s do*

Good lord, that’s an eyesore.


Will this have an effect in recreating the experience of forcing on-crit talents activating when spamming the sit action? Enrage, interruption immunity talents, Reckoning, etc. At the very least do the developers have a view point on this aspect even though the original developers tried to remove this functionality?

Thanks for everything you guys do for us. I may not like the direction Blizzard has gone (or has been forced to go) over the years, but I’ve always been a fan.


As other have said it wasn’t really something I was worried about, but I have no issues with it. Just one more thing that makes it play like it did.

For all of those that don’t like it, it simply isn’t about what is good or bad gameplay, it’s about how it was regardless of whether you think it sucked or not.


If you finish your cast you finish your cast. You dont just get beat because the other person has faster connection so they can get into a quicker batch than you.

I made a pole to see what everyone is playing in Classic. https://marktatsu.typeform.com/to/xTYgLQ

I will be posting the results in a couple weeks.

For the Horde.

Hello Blizzard my old friend…I’m falling in love with you once again…


We NEED to know whether or not we will be obtaining the Hinterlands or Searing Gorge quests at launch.

This greatly changes leveling plans.

This is the spell batching thread, not the classic content thread

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Just imagine if blizzard cared for retail wow the same way that they’re treating classic.

It’s what I say it is.

Great news, hoping everything is on track for a summer release!

Is this what happens when I Lay on Hands someone, it goes on cooldown, but the person still dies? This would explain a lot and make me less mad about those LoH’s that just disappear into the void and waste a 10 min CD.

Yep, that is what happens.

you just wait