Spell Batching in Classic

maybe it was a different game I’m thinking of, but doesn’t WoW have a death grace period where if you heal somebody enough in the batch right after they took lethal damage it prevents their death?

Ima go with no, but possibly came in a later patch? Not sure but definitely remember even leading into tbc how heals even loh going off yet the person dies in pvp.

When i said cool/awesome i was serious. I was pointing out examples that made sense…

The examples above that however, mechanically makes no sense

To quote Rush:
“If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice”

Don’t give me that crap about not voting and having no say after the fact…


In Australia, because the copper cables running up to your house could get affected by the rain, if you lived in a bad area, it was occasionally possible to get >2000 ping.
I could get ganked, know that I died but still be able to run away. Somewhere else in the world my attackers would be watching my corpse bunny hop away, and would not know wtf was going on :smiley:
If we have Oceanic servers, its going to be a very different game… unless it rains of course :smiley:


Wait, so 2 out of 3 of the class specs (for almost every class) being utter garbage gave the game “character”?

More like the game forced you to follow a path and if you didn’t follow that path the game was unenjoyable. That isn’t “character” at all you’re being molded to one play style.

Yes, I do believe most of you have rose tinted classes on. The Beta wasn’t long enough to expose these problems to new players but boy are they in for a surprise. People will be paying $15 a month for this and when they find out it’s not as fun as they heard all these years it’s gonna stop flowing.

Sooo… you just gonna pretend that P servers don’t have a good population number 15 years later?

Are you gonna pretend like the Private server scene was pretty small till “Nostalrius” dropped and on top of that it’s free?

Every spec not being good at one thing but fairly decent at something else in almost every case is 2 out of 3 specs being utter gargbage? What?

The game didn’t force you into anything. If you decided to listen to other people and play something you didn’t enjoy that was on you.

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You’re just being naive oh lord.

Yes 2 out of 3 specs were trash there is no denying that.

If you wanted to raid yes you were going the optimal path sorry.

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Ah, you’re one of those that think free is the motivator. Boy are you in for a surprise.


There is always an “optimal” path. There will always be an “optimal” path. If you think you can only do what is “optimal” and have to listen to what everyone says you have to be, and you don’t enjoy what they say you should be, that’s your own fault.


There ya go. Another one of the “raiding is the only part of the game that matters” crowd. The game was ruined appealing to people with that mindset.


Oof, you’re going to get hit with a hard dose of reality when Vanilla has been out for a few months.

Who would think people do stuff that’s free but won’t pay for it.

Loving these updates. Thank you!

Your argument makes no sense. There are a few BfA server out there but they’re population is garbage. If it was about free, why wouldn’t more people be there instead of playing the real game? And if there are free BfA servers, why are there more people playing on vanilla servers? Because people want vanilla…

You’re being naive.

Again, you don’t get what you want to do in Vanilla Raiding or even Instances for that matter.

You telling me I can “tank” as a Paladin in Vanilla? Or even DPS as Ret?

No, you don’t get to do whatever you want unless you wanna be doing bottle of the barrel content and quests.

So? Not every spec can do every role but every spec has a role.


EXCELLENT! And thank you for the update.


Yeah it’s real cool to have one role right?

Imagine rolling a Druid with 4 specs and finding out when you get to end game you’re forced to heal even if you planned from level 1 to be a DPS or tank.

10/10 game design. There is a reason after Vanilla everything moved forward with class design. Aka it was bad in Vanilla and they knew it.