<Spectral> 3/12M LF RDPS

Who is Spectral?

My name is Jazzy and I am the GM with Spectral. Founded at the start of BFA; We are a 3/12M and 12/12H along with last Tier being 6/8M (19% best on Za’qul) raiding guild, maintaining the goal of killing bosses, having fun and creating a gaming community where gamers of all types can feel at home.

Who You Are

-You are a team player who values the success and benefit of the raid over personal gain

-You are a quick learner and always show up to raid prepared and on time

-You are internally motivated to actively research and improve your gameplay

-You react positively to constructive criticism

-You put in the work necessary to kill a boss in a small amount of pulls

-You want to maintain healthy relationships and a life outside of WoW

-You want to enjoy the people you raid with

-You are in control of your own schedule

If the above points describe your as a raider and you’re looking to raid with us please check out our wishlist below and see if you’re a fit!

Our Wishlist

Ranged DPS
(Full on DH’s and Hunters)

(All other exceptional players are encouraged to reach out, regardless of the class or spec)


We raid Tuesday, and Thursday 8:00-11:00PM EST We currently continue to do Heroic as a guild, and are going to be transitioning into Mythic very shortly, leaving us no time to be doing Normal - this is best to be done on your own!

One thing I would like to stress is that every raider is expected to show up on time (meaning 15 minutes prior to raid start to gather coins, runes, pots, etc. or logging in at raid start ready to step into the first trash pull). If for whatever reason you can’t make it, it is expected that you either post in Discord or let an officer know.

We provide feasts and flasks!

If you are interested in what we have to offer, or just have some questions, feel free to contact us through the battle.net app.

Also recruiting for non-Mythic raiders for a fun guild to hang out in, hit up an officer for an invite. All players are accepted!

Jazzy#1791 - Bnet
Jazzy#5207 - Discord

Still looking for a few more to round out our roster. Casuals welcome too!

8.3 is out on January 14th! Still looking for some DPS and a healer!

Bump one for the homies, 2 for the how’s, 3 for the ancient aliens

Happy Holidays all! Still searching for 8.3!

As we come closer to the new year we’re still looking for a few more for our mythic core! Reach out soon!

New Year, New Tier!

Still looking for a few more peeps to join! <3

Bump, bump, bump!

Bump! :slight_smile: Let’s see the content <3

Where are those Warlock cookies?!

Hi Spectral, great job at staying together and accomplishing everything thus far.

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Bump bump<3 Would LOVE a lock but open to all :slight_smile:

Bump (= Back to the top!

Bump it up again!

Still looking for a warlock and a few Rdps!

Still looking for skilled rdps.

Looking for a few more DPS!