Specs similar to Fury?

So far I’ve been working on a Warrior lately who I think is 103? Anyways been enjoying Fury spec a ton right now. I just love how I can basically just keep going and going. Before making any main decisions for SL I was wondering if any other classes that have a similar spec? My options were: Frost DK and Enhancement Shaman but not sure if they’re anywhere close to how much a amp that fury spec has.

So I’m just looking for any other options. Thanks!

The current quickest-paced, lowest downtime, best survivability dps specs are Havoc, Fury, BM (if you don’t mind ranged), Ret (though the rotation does occasionally have gaps). Frost/unholy are ok, but have a lot of ramp up time because they’re bleed specs, making them not great for general questing, though they still do fairly well. Outlaw and Sin are pretty good, though on the squishy side. Sin also (last time I played it) was not the quickest-paced class out there. Pretty slow…

You should try Enhance Shaman. Havoc is fast but you are pressing only one button so its w/e.

Should be more your speed then.


I don’t recall any that enable you the way fury does, but frost dk and enh would be the other closest melee in my experience, they require sightly more care in which buttons you’re pushing when resources are there

Outlaw maybe, I’ve hardly touched it in beefa

Here’s another vote for Enhancement Shaman. It’s definitely different but probably the next closest thing I can think of from the specs I’ve played.

In terms of fluidity, WW monk is very fluid as well. The gameplay is a bit different though, but it definitely feels very smooth and I always feel like i have a button to press all the time.

If you’re hitting only 1 button as havoc, you have no idea what the crap you’re doing. Fury isn’t any more complicated.

Enhance shaman and WW monk can be fun, but they do suffer a bit from being occasionally energy-starved (thus leaving gaps in the rotation, where havoc and fury have none.)


Oh yes sorry, sometimes you blade dance.

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I find havoc DH very similar to Fury warrior (Relatively).

Nailed it. GG, you figured him out pretty quick.

Like the OP, I’m greatly enjoying Fury. I haven’t attempted to play a Warrior since BC or LK, when their quality-of-life was non-existent. Things have really changed!

(Actually, all three specs are pretty well laid out.)

I’m a long-term DK player that went DH for Legion. Havoc is by far the closest I’ve seen to Fury’s speed and fluidity. It has about the same number of abilities/cooldowns. Where Havoc feels like Fury is the fact that there’s always something for you to launch as you’re weaving globals and both classes have mobility.

Frost can also be quick, when BoS is on cooldown; as you don’t have to worry about storing back runic power. Frost is no Havoc though, and you trudge across the world like weights are tied to your character.

Frost DK if you go icecap is similar.

Frost DK feels like a Fury Warrior that isn’t as fun.

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I agree with you. Doesn’t help that I am pants at breath of sindragosa either

Ret is the most similar to fury in that you hit filler abilities as they come off CD in order to build power to hit your big spender.

Enhance is getting turned back into a weird melee-range caster in SL.

It looks fun to me!

Maybe it changes at higher gear levels, but at 420ish, Frost and Ret both seem to have decent gaps, Frost in particular. Havoc always has something to push, and WW doesn’t seem far off from that.

My alt is a Icecap frost dk with similar gear. Play style is close to fury, but the downside is you need an aoe, and st set to push better dps. Single target is amazing with the right gear set and stats. Aoe can be meh.