Specific order to spend conquest?

Since we only get a certain amount each week, what is the typical order to spend it on if there is even one?

i was thinking on snagging my rings at least. then i could socket em right away. but idk

Primary stat worth a lot more


Rings worth ~3.5k (3.8k with gem 4.1k with enchant) stat bracers worth ~4.5k stat per conq. I suggest getting a tier piece you use first (lower one shoulders or gloves) getting 1600 and getting 2 set, then buying a ring or bracers.


Ring/neck are a nice way to adjust your secondary stats quickly even if they aren’t as valuable as main stat. It makes it easy to swap your embellishment and secondary stats as well.

I was thinking embellishment ring and neck to start. I’ll be using engi wrist.

You can get those for basically free with the Heraldry quest. For spending the conquest you earn I’d do tier to start. Otherwise buy more Heraldry from the vendor cause you will need to craft most your gear.

Generally go weapon/tier slots first.

If your spec runs the 2set then getting a main piece and converting it to tier is the best bet, we also get a free set piece week 1 so can run 2 set the first week.

The only downside is casters need at least one socketable piece for precog but given our first weekly conquest cap is 1600 we can afford a main piece + offpiece for socket.

Edit: pick up the quests first so you can unlock your weapon for free on the 3rd week.

It is almost always bad to go jewelery first. Secondary stats are almost always significantly worse than mainstat.

You absolutely want to get the tier pieces you will use first (keep in mind you also get a free tier token at 1600, which you would ideally use on chest/legs if you use those tier slots to save bonus conquest).

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I typically do whatever Cov tells me to do, and I still don’t do it correctly. But I did install an Addon this season, So… there’s that.


You get a weapon automatically on week 3. So, I think people are saying skip weapon this time around

You actually can’t buy the weapon early; they don’t unlock on the vendor until you complete the quest :slight_smile:


Is it working like this during s1 of tww?

Yes. You get 1600 conquest week 1, and once you reach 1600 cr you get a free tier token.

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Sound slike a ss que night then lol, who is the token master in tww now?

Azj-kahet :slight_smile:

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Nice! they saved themselves some customer service complaints by doing that! cant believe they used foresite for pvp gear lol

Nice work Grandpa. Next week we will teach you how to use the TV remote.

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Wooooahhhh…slow down. I’m still working on my Razr Flip-Phone.


I don’t understand, why are people talking about Tier gear? Are there no PvP conquest sets?

Do not go weapons first for this season! Week 3 will give everyone welfare weapons

Technically you can buy the wpvp weps next week if you were really wanting one. 1h users can buy a main hand this week.

3 ilvl off of conquest wep