Specialization Spell Differences

I’m used to Classic druid, and I realize that Retail is fundamentally different, but I’m seeing some massive differences in spells between specs that are very counterintuitive. For example, in Balance my Starfire hits for around 300, but in Resto it’s almost 800. In Feral, the initial heal on Regrowth is over 1400, but in Resto it’s less than 900.

I see how the mechanics change (mana costs of heals in Resto are tiny compared to other specs, basic nukes are resource generators in Balance and have no direct cost), but still the individual effectiveness differences seem backwards.

I’m only level 33 atm and working thru MoP via Timewalking, so maybe there’s some weird scaling or something going on? Does it even out some at max level, or is this just the way it is? Please help me understand this.

Healers have less DPS tools than DPS specs of the same class. While leveling, they will deal more damage with the few individual spells they have. With Balance’s entire damage tookit in play, we should deal more spell damage (at least towards max level).

Healers DPS spells have an aura buff to make up for lack of overall dps tools

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This could have something to do with how mastery is different between specs, and/or how damage/healing numbers are kind of janky with scaling before 70-80

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