Specialization : Protection in PvP

That’s literally your whole argument.

Might want to go read everything again there sport!

Love ya take your time :kissing_heart:

No. I don’t think I will.

Are the real PvPers. They are people wanting to be in the middle of the battle controlling the front lines. They are the players that need great PvP experience to dictate the battle and own it up. There is nothing better than playing Prot in PvP. It’s just the best and exemplifies what PvP is.

Totally am not. I objectively stated what is wrong and the major fixes needed. If you can’t understand then that is on you. The increase damage needs to be removed and Tanks redesign/buffed so PvP can flourish.

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I remember this one eots and abomb came to mid as soon as the game began. I mc’d him off as he charged in and he left the game. He’s extremely disruptive!


Bro, after reading this you are doing nothing but trolling :rofl:. Every single melee can do this. A tank is not needed. I do this on a enhanced shaman all the time.

Well they should fix that then as that isn’t the Shaman’s class role. Which is another problem we need to go back to having clear Class roles again. As I said Prot and Tanks need some love to make PvP great again. Prot PvP is just super sexy it needs to return to it’s WotLK status when they were balanced.

What are you talking about lol. Like you really are clueless the way you’re talking. You think melee DPS should flop over because only tanks should not be able to die. You can’t have a tank roll in PvP. Players are going to focus whoever they want. So you want to make melee DPS more weak? Which means they’re just going to focus the melee dps and ignore the tank :rofl:.

Even in WotLK people ignored tanks. Well people with working brain cells.

Just last night I played a DWG and we sent the tank mid with three heals. We ghosted our bases and sent three to each of theirs. Eight people mid could not kill them. We also ended up with that base because they started to peel out to get other ones.

Now you’re saying they flop over but with five DPS hitting him and healer’s getting CC’d, they still couldn’t kill him. But you’re saying they flop over?

Tanks are fine.

The best is when the tank has his sausage hat on before the bg.