“Hikus, I have a lock for ST. Can you invite Döt”
“Okay, how do I type the o?”
“Just /who D and look through the names”
“That’s a lot of names, I’m not seeing it. This 48 warlock named Dot can come though without the letter. Maybe we should invite them?”
“No no no, bring Döt. /who warlock 46, should be easier”
“Ah yeah, okay, invited. Gonna suck when they’re 60.”
Im already 60 and it hasn’t been a problem. I get whispers from people looking for Warlocks pretty often.
Dude, i’m not going to do anything extra just because some other dude is being non-practical with their name.
I’ll just pass.
They’re the ones losing something, not me.
I just find it silly to do such a thing and maybe they don’t realize that they’re not being impressive, they’re just missing stuff.
I have a guild and I play with friends often. More likely than not I don’t really need anything from you and I don’t care that it bothers you how i named my toon. No skin off my nose.
Assuming I’m the only one thinking that way.
That was intended as a general use “you.” Not a singular you. I’m pretty independent and I run with a tank so a healer/tank combo doesn’t usually hurt for getting groups. I have a teleport to Moonglade and a hearth in Stormwind so going transcontinental isn’t an issue either. My guildies are usually more than happy to help out with crafting stuff I might need. I don’t normally like special characters either, tbh, but this one has this name for sentimental reasons. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s not practical or if people turn their noses up at it. She is named after the very first druid I ever rolled. The only reason I play classic in the first place is because of nostalgia. This is just one more aspect of that. If you can’t figure out how to whisper me then what you had to say probably wasn’t that important anyway.
OP asked why people use them and that’s my personal reason. I don’t speak for anyone else on their reasons.
Also, a whole 9 seconds of Google use on my phone revealed that the umlaut o is Alt+0246. Nöt all that cömplicated.
yes, but not everyone is the same. I’m like you. I’d rather go with a different name than use accent marks. I just got to see the perspective of someone who got married to a name they chose, so I figured I’d answer your question as to “why” people do it. That’s why. And I think it’s that simple. They just really get invested in using THAT name.
Fight me.
Today i saw a hunter with a pet named “claw emoticon” literally. I don’t even know how he did it but i’m positive it was a claw.
What you name the pet doesn’t matter. No one is going to need to talk to the pet.
This is why I do it.
I have an Undead Female Lock that I wanted to name “Hecate”. Of course, it was taken, so her name is “Heçate”.
För mitt namn är i rätt svensk form.
Edit: because my character’s name is in the correct Swedish form.
Ωραία, και το όνομα μου θα επρεπε να ειναι στα ελληνικα επειδη ειμαι έλληνας;
Και του αλλου στα κινεζικα αν ειναι κινεζος;
EDIT: The fact that you have no idea WTF I’m talking about, and you need extra effort to get it, translation and such, should tell you why people should use english chars. Because it’s a game, not a culture statement.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that my name is stupid because it’s in another language?
Your name might be brilliant and it might even invent the cure for cancer.
What IS not-clever, is to use it in a game played by people from all around the world, a vast majority of which won’t know how to type its characters, knowingly that you will have problems in your communication with them.
And it’s even less clever when you do that in USA server, an English speaking country.
Yeah nah, I wasn’t thinking “Oh I wonder how convenient/not convenient it will be for people to locate my name when trying to find my character” when I created it - I took my D&D character’s name and copy+pasted it because I like this name.
And I still get frequent whispers asking me to tank and no complaints regarding the name.
I have, however, met a charming dwarf named Bjornson on my server. (You’d like him, no special characters!) We like to joke that we’re related.
Sounds like a personal problem to me dude, don’t know how ranting about it on the forums is going to change it.
And I was even about to agree with you, as I feel it’s a little bit iffy to have completely random characters/symbols in a name, but hey, it’s each player’s choice what the heck they want to name themselves.
How could this be a personal problem in ANY level? You make no sense.
It’s just not practical for the community.
Swedish chars, then we’ll have arabic char, then chinese chars, and no one will be able to name a player in /whisper or otherwise.
Wow, great points bud, gonna go delete my character. Had no idea it was so inconvenient!
I’ll be right back…