This has happened more than once, which is why I am hoping someone can clarify.
On Toon 1: I have done 3 WQs in Azj-Kahet and unlocked the Special Assignment. I go and and ride a blimp and throw down some holy lasers.
On Toon 2: I do all the WQs in Azj-Kahet and no mention of Special Assignment. It’s not on my map, and I can not interact with the blimp, even though it’s right there beside the flight point.
So, are Special Assignments locked out to your account? I know there are supposed to be 2 each week. I know you do 3 wqs and you unlock the special assignment. I know that you have to pick a pack with one of the spiders to show wqs in Azj-Kahet. So why Can I only do the Special Assignment on only 1 toon?