
Because there has been some dumb nostalgia based meme of people wanting class over spec we now have shadowlands having major problems.

-Many torghast powers feel terrible on some specs while great on others
-Many covenant abilities feel meh for some specs because they had to be designed to work with all roles, so a druid ability needs to work for dps, tank, healer, priests instead of having a heavy DPS focus for spriest, they are all utility based because they cant have healers having DPS abilities.
-A ton of useless abilities "“Unpruned” even though you wont use them because they are irrelevant to your spec because here’s the thing, all your spec abilities are buffed by talents and passives you non spec abilities wont benefit from therefore becoming utterly useless.


-When I play hunter I play a ranged MM assassin, not a disgusting smelly dirty zookeper
-When I play a mage, I play an Archmage that uses the volatile powers of the arcane to great effects, not some petty parlor trick fire mage
-When I am playing a priest, I am a shadow priest, not a pathetic virgin healer who tries to help others, I inflict damage on others and dont give a damn about the healer specs.
-When I am playing rogue I am playing a master poisoner with a high focus on dots and deadly poisons, not some moronic pirate wannabe or naruto ninja.

In all these scenarios, even theme wise my SPEC IS WHAT MAKES MY CLASS GOOD and interesting, I dont want to be related to the other specs which are often completely repulsive theme wise, I dont want to share abilities, I WANT TO FOCUS ON MY SPEC FANTASY.


your opinion on naruto rogues invalidates all your opinions outright, however

I don’t think that’s why they did that, I think they made covenants to feel unique and have a special power, thinking they could tune them well enough that this would all balance out

despite their history of being incapable of that

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I still haven’t purchased shadowlands. May save my bnet balance for something else.

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Woohoo, buff MM!!! Hunters hunt animals, not team up with them. So silly.

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I agree Ralph, buff SPriest. :slightly_frowning_face:


It’s with opening sentences like those that you will never earn any sympathy even if your points make sense, from that opening sentence anything you say after that is plagued by a known hateful bias with the goal to just throw oil on the fire.


Awww I like my pets :confused:


When you join a fast food company, you learn the basics. How to operate equipment, what to clean, what to prep, etc. Then when you have the basics nailed down, you specialize in one particular field such as Drive-thru/Cashiering or Line Cooking.

When you become a mage for the first time you learn how to cast basic spells like frostbolt, firebolt, and arcane missiles. When you got those basics down you specialize into one particular field of magic, but you still retain the knowledge of the basics.

Also covenant and torghast abilities have no basis or are support for anything class-spec based, it’s an external system that grants players extra power, it doesn’t supplement or fill in the core functions of the class, and if it does, then the class is inherently flawed.


Is that why the priest covenant abilities are all more heal/utility based rather than pure DPS abilities compared to classes with 3 dps specs?

They were forced to design abilities that would fit all specs which means they had to create abilities that would work with both healers and DPS, and priests are an excellent example of lacking strong dps covenant ability because it has 2 healer specs.

Keep the animal feces to yourselves BM hunters ewwwww, I like my no pet MM


BM does stand for Bowel Movement, tbf.

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Imo both are important however solo challenges needs to be designed around the spec. Blizzard obviously ain’t doing that because of time constraints.


We just call it Feces Pieces.

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that doesn’t surprise me, as it is the one class with 2 healing specs

I think spriest is looking to be the sacrificial lamb this expansion, like enh was

I haven’t either I have some tokens used for bnet balance. I just do not want to jump too early on this train.

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Makes sense. I mean, I wanted to play a sub rogue this expansion and Blizzard made them a meme after they had one good fight. Zul.

Also if spec identity was so important, why do all mages have polymorph even though it’s a spell rooted in the Arcane? Shouldn’t fire mages and frost mages not know how to cast that?

What about Vanish? Why does outlaw rogues have vanish if they’re essentially a swashbuckling pirate?

Or how about Hunters? Why do all hunters know how to lay traps even though Survival is the one themed around traps?

The list goes on…

This argument is flawed, we have class>spec identity right now but not at the scale as it was pre-pruning, which I think is around WoD times.


And look what happened when you get your way, shadowland problems are a great example as to why class over spec is a FAILURE.

I specialize on one part, I ditch the inferior worthless previous skills that were pruned for a reasonf or many specs.

Fire blast for example hits less than an ice lance for frost mage and also is on the GCD, completely useless

That’s good for you but that’s not a class-spec problem. It’s a GCD problem, try again.

Even if it wasnt on the gcd it would still be a worthless fire and forget spell that should have never been brought back for mage?


I understand what you’re coming from, but a specialization is just that. As a fire mage you explore the world of fire-based spells. That doesn’t mean you instantly forget where your basic training comes from.

That’s like saying a military man should know how to operate an artillery battery, but not know how to operate and clean guns or create loaded magazines. It’s the basic fundamentals. That’s what makes a class a class.

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