Spec with greatest Solo Survivability

At the moment with monk, which spec currently has the greatest solo survivability for truly difficult content? I realize at the moment monks are no Blood DK or Vengeance DH when it comes to this sort of thing, but for the most difficult content a monk is capable of solo, which spec is the go to? Generally I would always assume the Tank spec of any Hybrid, but as I understand it the vast majority of Brewmaster sustain requires a pocket healer. As such does Mistweaver come out on top when a DPS check doesn’t require the Windwalker, or is it still Brewmaster?

Honestly all 3 are fine soloing content.

Anyone who says brm needs a healer or isn’t capable. Is just wrong.

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Mw is my go to as long as nothing can one or two shot me

Depends open world I would argue ww, in instances mw or brm

MW would be the easiest… That said, there isn’t really anything WW can’t handle in open world and will do it much faster than MW.


Depends what you’re talking about when discussing “truly difficult content.” If you’re speaking +20 mythic plus dungeons, there’s nothing you can really solo as any of the specs. If you’re speaking about raiding, that’s a similar situation. But if you’re discussing the spec that is less-reliant upon other players, Windwalker is a solid choice; if you dodge as much mechanics as possible, your healing needed is very little.

This part depends heavily on individual preference. All three can solo world quests (obviously), all three can solo really high-hp elites as long as you know how to play, and all three can easily solo heroic or maybe even mythic dungeons. If you’re really geared, you can even face-pull in high mythic dungeons if the tank’s being slow (I, myself, facepull in 15’s when the tank’s a little slow. I know it’s rude, but we’ve got a timer to make.)

tl;dr, All three specs. Just take your choice depending how it fits the content you’re discussing.

Just get used to playing MW and fistweave your way through M+15 while also beating your tank in DPS unless they’re a Warrior.

And than i kick you from group. Than just 4 man the key.

If a mw beats the brm in dps. That brm is just bad

I mean… you can kick me from the group. Problem just reside in whether or not the other three want to continue without the healer… and if the four of you can dodge enough damage to make it happen.

im the healer…so it wouldn’t make a difference. id just keep going.

Honestly I love tearing through stuff as a BRM currently. You never die and usually most world bosses are killable eventually and people roll up and see a tank throwing kegs and just start dpsing at some point. Its a blast!