Spec Pruning

If in the interested of helping balance and development they were to make a class pruning, not all classes and not all spec, just the ones they feel that there is no reason for the extra spec, some classes might lose a tank or healer spec others might lose the dps
after all that everyone would get once in a life time class/race change, would you be ok with that?

No reason to remove options.


yes there is, they have a limited amount of time and ideas to make stuff up, adding a option just for the sake of having it is not good

I love what they did with DH and thats probably because they didnt have to divide their resources with a ranged spec, ofc in the same light I love that they divided feral in 2 spec cuz I feel that was needed at the time
so IMO pruning can be good, its not always necessary but it can be a good thing

They have removed so many options already. Do you want them to change this game so thereā€™s only one class?

Druids would disagree that separating feral from guardian has been a big success.


DH was super lazy IMO, If it didnā€™t come with such strong lore whoā€™d really get excited about a class only 2 races can be with only two specs? They had to throw everything at them (and rob from other specs) just to make them cool enough to tempt folks.

Removing an option thatā€™s always been there makes no sense, in your feral example they didnā€™t remove anything, they expanded and added on. Would be more like if they removed guardian or feral and left the other.

DH having only 2 races have nothing to do with their spec and the fact that they have to copy things from other classes only demonstrate that this game has way too many specs, not everyone need 3 different ways of dealing dmg

spec pruning is not class pruning with less spec you can have more robust classes overall since they dont have to divide their resources for the class in 3 specs

the druid is an example of the opposite I know, Iā€™m saying that not ever spec need pruning but some might

Why not stop adding things then? Tinker would just cannibalize from Hunter/Engi so no need for it right?

Rather things just stay the same and they implement fun, solid ideas IF they think of one, instead of things being cut out and Frankensteinā€™d/diluted just for the sake of having a new shiney.

I have a druid and I actually prefer this way, but Iā€™m sure some people will disagree and if you prefer the druid to go back to the way it was you are in favor to spec pruning and in a way you understand what Iā€™m saying

Iā€™d rather make more specs and stop adding classes.

Weā€™re already getting classes cannibalizing each other. Warlocks got told to take the L so Demon Hunters could take all their stuff when they could have just make Vengence a Warlock specā€¦

More specs. More classes getting 4 specs like druids, if weā€™re pruning anything weā€™re pruning DH into a spec, either Warlocks or Rogues.

then you are not in favor of spec pruning, thats fine, we can disagree

I just really think that striking down some spec and/or merging other would be better overall for the game

but Iā€™m curious to hear peeps view on that so ty for your input even if you dont agree with me

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Honestly it feels like they could combine Fury and Arms and and let you chose weapon styles.

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What specs would we prune? I canā€™t think of a single spec that isnā€™t beloved by some portion of the fan base.

Maybe combining specs MIGHT work. Like fire and frost into an ā€œelementalā€ spec. But good luck combing the best CC mage spec with the most bursty spec.

Who remembers stances Eh?

Lots of macro writing.

They prune everything. The game should just be.


No need for classes when the role is all that matters, so they might as well be removed. Also each role doesnā€™t need variations, it really doesnā€™t matter since the role is still doing itā€™s job. Who cares if it shoots fireballs or shadowballs?

World of adventure quest lmao.

No. You want options removed from the game which you do not value. Merging 2 specs leaving the result with all the powers of both is not removing options at all.

Theyā€™ve never managed to keep feral and guardian balanced. Lately theyā€™ve only given half an effort, too little too late.

I enjoy the versatility I have playing a druid in classic.

lmao you mean your druid you didnā€™t get to play unless you were in resto standing outside the raid to ā€˜battleā€™ rez people?

Classic is not the pinnacle of class design trust me.

I donā€™t want lesser abilities. I want more abilities BACK. No more pruning.

Yes, because a mage being incapable of casting fire spells, merely because they are not fire spec, is much more versatile.

You missed his point, he likely enjoys playing the jack of all trades, master of none, class that is common in older RPGs. Which is not a thing anymore because your spec dictates your role.