Spec designs you miss

100% agree

I also miss the different warrior stances as well for example, and a ton of things that weren’t spec related, but things like ammo on hunters, wielding a bow and swords, axes etc on my warrior at the same time, and vice versa for hunters.

I miss the old overworld the most out of everything. blizzard needs to add that overworld from vanilla and it’s dungeons back in retail for chromie time,a s i feel that would be awesome fun.

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Haha I forgot about this. I remember at the start of Legion the permanent Soothing Mist couldn’t be interrupted either, so in PvP you could just leave it on people and use the whole “Vivify and Enveloping Mists are instant cast whilst channelling Soothing Mists” to be able to heal without fear of being locked out.

Warrior stances and death knight presences.

Hunter aspects as well.
We’ve actually lost more stance mechanics than I think most people remember.

Yah i miss all that old stuff lol. Aspect of the viper, aspect of the hawk, aspect of the monkey, aspect of the fox, etc etc etc. All of em i wish would return for some purpose in retail lol.

This is one of the reasons i felt wrath was the best, was because we still had all of these old class stats, but it also had some of the qol changes and systems changes made to the retail game, like the dungeon finder for example. And in terms of systems, i remember mob damage to health ratios and player damage and health had been changed a bit so the world was not as hard to level through, but was still pretty hard comparatively.

Or just the fact that we had a mount journal in wrath as well as part of a systems revamp, but it was not cross realm yet. Out of all of world of warcrafts expansions, i enjoyed wrath the most.

Monks and demon hunters have been cool additions to the game in terms of gameplay and class design tho, and blizz has added a ton of toons to roll as well, like vulpera and goblin.

I just wish demon hunters had a 3rd spec. They were pretty fun otherwise.

Multistrike build Ele shaman
Gladiator Warrior

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Yeah agreed, honestly WotLK has a lot to answer for with the changes that came after it but stemmed from the change in design from WotLK onwards.

However WotLK itself didn’t really suffer from those designs itself, it was essentially the middle ground where the original RPG design of Vanilla met with the more ease of access today.
It wasn’t too over the top with it’s RPG elements that unnecessarily hindered players, whilst also not being too far swung into the ease of access mentality that pervaded later expansions.

Old Marksman hunter before the legion rework. Haven’t played Marks since.

Fistweaver monk, old demo (the OG demon metamorph), bring back enhancement tank but as a seperate fourth spec so people can still play the damage variation.

I liked it when bread and water was summoned separately, I specced in to bread back in the days, when people asked me for water.

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Hunter Pre-Legion. Literally any version.

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i miss it so much… i can’t play mw monk now… i mean, soothing mists breaks if you move now, it’s just not the same. :sob: being able to move and heal at the same time, was the entire point of playing a mw monk!

Enhancement shamans and shadow priests from BFA. Shadowlands made shadowpriests feel like garbage, and completely ruined enhancement. When you have to rely on addons to keep track of resources like enhancement with maelstrom weapon then I’m not going to touch that spec.

Out of curiosity why do you need addons to track Maelstrom as Enhance? I quite enjoy the current spec personally.

BfA on the otherhand could feel good to play if you had good gear or good procs, but if you did it also made a good 30%+ of your rotation redundant because you just didn’t need your builders for Maelstrom generation.

Is it mostly 8.3 for those specs that felt great? Or the whole expansion? Just curious as the main opinion on both of those specs seemed to be the opposite of yours so I’m interested to know what you enjoyed about them so much

Mainly because I have to stare at two sides of my screen. One side obviously has my health bar and the other side to see how many maelstrom weapons I have. Doesn’t make it any easier when I’ve got like 15 other buffs with similar looking icons. Very hard to keep track of.

Also I don’t like the spec now because it feels like I’m forced to use lightning bolt too much, compared to BFA. Whole expansion was good imo.

I miss being able to enchant every piece of armor. The one thing cata did right was allow helm enchants and a few other new spots.

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It’s kind of interesting how you can clearly divide WoW into different ‘eras’ of class design philosophy, almost like WoW has been its own sequel a few times. Also interesting to see that a lot of the favourites come from those expansions that were the ‘pinnacle’ of a given design style.

Vanilla/BC/Wrath had the original design style that peaked in Wrath.

Cata/MoP was the first overhaul, a “WoW 2” that peaked with MoP.

And then you can probably link the last four expansions as one era, since they’ve all been trying to patch up the effects of the massive prune in WoD, though WoD could tentatively be considered a linking expansion between eras, and then the last three all one era.

In my case, I miss the MoP spec designs a lot, though a few of my faves are also from WoD, like WoD Spriest and Glad Stance Warr.

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