Spec designs you miss

WotLK mage was pretty great, at least from my time specced as fire, frost, or somewhere in-between (bring back cross-speccing!). That was where Arcane really got its footing as a standalone spec too.

I agree, I cannot figure out why they changed it. It was interesting and unique


Mop disco priest

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I miss the seal system for paladins. They could have figured out a way to do it I think. Instead paladins are now like warriors with flashier abilities.

Actually I miss the entire spec design from cataclysm. Felt much closer to the old style than the new but not as silly as vanilla.

Also two words: GLADIATOR STANCE


MoP Affliction Warlock

I miss whenever survival hunters had explosive shot…and beast master hunters had broken (strong) bestial wrath. I miss healer niches, they still sorta exist but like holy paladin only healing 1-2 people at a time, shamans basically just chain healing constantly, holy priest with the insane group heals/strong circle of healing (lower cd and healed for more) and prayer of mending (instant, healed for more). I miss feral druids being one spec that you could simply switch between on the fly, go full tank, full dps, or half and half depending what you needed. So flexible of a spec, yet gutted for the sake of homogenization/simplicity/“balance” (blech). BC ret paladins were pretty funny that first month, I don’t miss them but it was funny how they’d just destroy everyone (except maybe another ret pally lol). I also miss death knights and warriors having stances, pretty sure every spec of DK was able to tank or dps back in the day but they changed it all at some point (I quit early WoD so idk what the last several years have been like, still learning all the changes that happened since I was gone). Oh, and last one I really dislike is the change to fluxfire felines, I leveled 3 of those to 25 as ninja breeds yet now they’re virtually worthless (and they weren’t even broken, or any more broken than things like Iron Starlette, so…why were they nerfed, exactly? Exactly).

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I didn’t play pre-legion Demo but the point where they had meta form would of been cool to try out if even for thematic purposes

yeah, I miss MoP Demo and Dark Apotheosis. Also miss MoP SV Hunter.
And I miss you Dot folks snapshotting With your Unerring trinket.

My lock really misses Seed of Corruption.

WoD survival.


The old survival hunter was the best hunter spec. It’s a pity that hunters only have two specs now.

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Seed of corruption still exists though? Its affliction, though.

Each spec having a niche so it wasn’t purely a numbers comparison.

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Old DK’s. All 3 specs, especially 2H frost in its old form.

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When Frost could tank?

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Yeah, I miss my frost tank :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. Why did rogue lose gouge on Assassination spec?

WotLK Frostfire Spec




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Okay, my lock is Destro so I didn’t know that.

Yeah, and also the old 2H frost dps form. So much better mechanically. Blood DPS was a ton of fun too