Spear is weird

Does anyone actually like using spear? I would love to see spear go away and to have a reckless talent off the GCD. Spear is like a weird mage rune of power ability and almost never works correctly in pvp.


Eh, it can feel a little awkward.

I really enjoyed using the ability in Shadowlands when crit was more viable and the CD was shorter.

It won’t “pin” targets if they’re on knock DR, like if your Druid recently cycloned them. The pull also has a CD, so if you use any sort of displacement when being pulled back to the center after moving out it’ll break the tether.

Oh, and then there’s just reliable breaks, like Warlock gate snaps you out of it instantly, as does Greater Fade, etc.

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It is so awkward you right. I was hoping it would go away in TWW. I absolutely love arms until spear is meta


That’s how I feel about fury w/ spear and/or ravager. I simply cannot stand ground target abilities, even if I can macro out the target reticle (ravager, spear, and death & decay) and even if it moves (ravager). Fury didn’t have a ground target ability until Spear was introduced in SL, and at that point I realized that an important part of fury that made it so enjoyable in the past was that it had zero ground target abilities. That’s a big factor (but not the only one) why a DF s3 fury build is the most fun I’ve had as fury since BfA.


If you hit spear, which you should be doing, you get a pop of damage that’s more than any other global at the time and force a significant movement ability/CC/disarm/defensive. That’s not a terrible trade for warrior, especially since we can close the gap and THEN start applying pressure, both of which we can do well with minimal set up.

I never hated spear, but I also never expected the ability to be a sure fire way to just delete someone in the following 3 globals - which is what I feel like these posts devolve into.

Spear applies a little bit of pressure, punishes movement ability mismanagement, rewards targeting, and punishes loose play. It also gives us a cumulative impact on the match. Poor spear response is going to bite them later. If you use a movement ability to put space between us and I spear you afterwards, you’re forced to use another CD to manage the following hits. That’s a good pvp ability to have in the game, it leads to attrition in a good way.

That’s not terrible for a capstone talent.

The aoe is just icing on the cake to punish stacking, I’m always happy enough to just fire it off on one person and continue jamming MS and Execute.

In PVE it’s a set and forget ability and that’s fine too. It’s solid snap aoe when you want it, little bit of damage increase in the backend to reward position without feeling mandatory.

I’d like to see spear not be a damage cooldown tbh. Just make it not competing with avatar and thunderous roar. Especially with how thunderous words effects more of our kit, and battlefield commander effects thunderous roar, or how avatar + blademaster’s torment interacts with unhinged / hurricane, Champion’s Spear just can’t compete because it doesn’t interact with any other talents. Put it somewhere easier to access in the tree, put it on a 1min cooldown like static field totem (or less since it can’t be totemic recalled), and let it be purely utility.

In PvP, it’s just too long of a cooldown and too susceptible to being shut down to compete with the other options.

Unless you’re abusing gravitational displacers in random BGs. It’s really really dumb to just suck a whole team into a spear and have a moonkin lay down a root beam on top of it :clown_face:

I do agree with you, and wish there was more spear synergy earlier in the tree.

First thoughts are:

  1. avatar have synergy with anger management and/or bladestorm/ravager.

  2. Thunderous roar have more overlap with tens and/or deep wounds.

  3. Spear have more overlap with thunderclap talents.

You have your aoe bursty anti CC route, your bleeds build, and a chunky aoe on shorter CD build that impacts movement (slow/snare).

I don’t love shockwave being a capstone because you really never take the two other talents after it that I can recall this expac.

Spear is a little better to use in the beta, but still feels bad at times. With armored to the teeth bring right above it though, I would suggest getting used to it >_<

I don’t use it and I agree it needs to be removed. Give us something fun, interesting and really cool!

And get rid of SLAM too! Total garbage, I don’t have it on my bar.

You don’t think spear is fun or interesting? >_>

It is fun and interesting in my opinion, but I think it was just executed poorly. Warrior doesn’t need a skillshot CD in WoW – it should have been designed as a casted (think Shattering Throw) ST ability. Lastly, it just screams PvP and should be a PvP talent with some extra flavor like potentially pulling you to the target after cast.

That way we can actually get creative with what some more interesting capstones could look like for Warrior.


Sorry, this is gonna get longer than I originally intended.

There was a dev interview a few months back where they said it was added primarily with pvp in mind.

That being said, suggesting that things just be made into a PvP talent is silly. We only have 3 pvp talent slots and there is not a lot of wiggle room with how mandatory some talents are for a lot of specs.
But also the PvP talent system is kind of terrible actually, especially after the reworks, and should really only include stuff that is truly gamebreaking in pve or doesn’t even function properly against NPCs, like ice wall.

There’s been a lot of discussion about how our general tree has significantly more throughput talents than other classes.
The shaman general tree rework where part of their stated goal was to reduce the amount of points spent on throughput talents, and shaman already had the second fewest throughput talents.
If you want more interesting capstones, I feel like it would make more sense to replace one of our throughput nodes with spear, get rid of the big damage cooldown component of spear so it becomes purely utility, and then put something in its’ place that can actually compete with our other capstones.

But also no fun capstone will ever beat out Avatar and Thunderous roar because they are just big throughput nodes. Most (all?) classes have their own equivalent version of avatar. The standard 1.5min cooldown DPS modifier. Icy Veins, Trueshot, Darkglare, Dragon Rage, etc. The thing is that none of theirs are capstones in the general tree. Almost all of them are in the spec tree. Wings is sort of a half exception, but it’s high in the center of the general tree and augmented further through talents in the spec trees.
All that kinda makes me feel like maybe avatar should be moved up in the tree and replaced with something that feels less mandatory.


I like this idea a lot.

Complete design failure and dead talent after season 1 ended by nerfing pvp crit.


When it comes to fury I actually enjoy using Ravager. I also enjoy Spear. They are neat additions to warrior abilities. I try to drop Ravager Everytime the cool down us up. But sometimes I forget.

Should just be like the chain trinket from the jailer, or at least a choice node so the aoe component can remain if necessary.

I think dragon roar is conceptually worse and should just be a tclap replacement on a higher cd if anything.

Eh, it works fine for current build of Fury but Arms and Prot can’t really take it.

Spear is lame.

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Spear is actually pretty cool, because you can keep a mage from blinking out of it.

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Not really, kinda hot garbage in arena (sadly).