Spear is trash

Title. Bring the CD in line with roar and delete the negative PVP modifiers. Thanks.

Do PVErs even use spear? Serious question. Doesn’t look like it, outside of prot players.


its better for single target.

There are only 2 single target fights in the raid.


Prot uses it in M+

It would be better if the duration was 10-15 instead of 4-6 Seconds in PvE, and also if it retained the original design in the current pvp. Spear would be used not only as a DPS cooldown but also as a CC as it did in the past.

Not many people may agree with this but I think those lower 3 talents should be replaced with something like “bound by chains” allowing a warrior to increase the range of our melee attacks not saying 40 yards…more like how Ret palains can sustain high melee DPS while not being in melee range.


Blizzard already removed those talents from all talent trees. That doesn’t include ret because it’s baseline how ret works (they didn’t want to fix their mobility so they made them ranged). So that’s not gonna happen. A more feasible idea would be a talent that makes bladestorm pull in nearby enemies, similar to abom limb for DKs.

I would rather they just give us ancient shockwave instead of spear.


Champion’s Might is too short.

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I use it only because I thinks it’s cool.

I’d replace it completely with the Battlefield Commander talent from PvP, and then both of the following talents with Master and Commander, having 2 levels instead… it would bring the utility that we Warriors have been screaming for, for years… Then I’d move the spear into PvP talents, just like the Skull Banner…

Replace with Condemn and bring back execute charge, so Execute can at least be more useful since it hit like a wet noodle


We need necro banner!


1 min cd would solve spear problems. Also, a new node for necrolord banner would be nice but that’s too much for blizz so…

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Yes plz.
/10 char