Spawn Location of Rukhmar

Now that the drop rate is increased, have seen a dramatic increase in people farming it, and its spawn point of mid air where ranged players on a platform could tag it and it drops down and at the same time dies midair before any melee players can tag it is so stupid, have tried waiting below since its supposed to be “immune” for the first few seconds didnt work 100% of the time as well and it dies before i could get any “ranged” attack to tag it on multiple attempts across diff characters, cant we just have it spawn somewhere on a fixed location ACCESSIBLE so everyone can just get their hits in


Having this issue on my melee characters as well.

If it could just spawn and stay on the platform instead of flying down to the rock, that would fix this easily.

And many more, just because you’re melee doesn’t mean you don’t have ranged abilities.

Thanks for the warning, I’ll be sure to do that on all my ranged toons to make sure I get the tag.

doesn’t the toy rifle do damage we used to use it for TLPD farming it does like 1 dmg and it should count as a tag as long as you damage it before it dies.

While true, a more ideal spawn location would probably be for everyone’s benefit.