Sparks of war turn in = no bloody tokens

Sparks of war is a broken system. I had 475 bloody tokens when I turned in sparks of war for 1k, it would have put me over the cap so it gave me none instead but still showed that I was 1350/1350. This week I check the quest and the 1k tokens are still in red because the 1k would put me over 1900 even though I never received the 1350. Worse off I can’t even spend the 475 because no item is 475. And still haven’t received the 1k for week 1.

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Before you turn anything in next time, look at the cap. You can’t earn more than that even if you spend some, so if it’s red anything you do will not add to your total this week. It’s extremely easy to cap without even doing the bloody token quest. There may still be a bug at play, but just be sure you aren’t confusing the amount you have left versus the amount you capped for the week.

Yeah I had the same issue today. I had 1200 bloody tokens, I turn in the quest to earn another 1000 but the cap is 1900. So I said, Okay I should get the difference of 700 to be at cap for the week. Then the quest gave none :skull: :skull: I think this would be an actual bug, pretty sure I can recall the difference always being given in the past. Blizzard Developers please confirm.

try reading my original post again