I just had a good scare!
I was chilling here, listening to a podcast and running around doing some Legion stuff when I started hearing all this racket!
Popping and crackling!
And then I notice the orange light flickers on the bookcase behind my rig. Panic immediately set in!
I bolt up and look and I see sparks flying everywhere in the area of the PSU! I see little darting flames even! I yelp like a kicked Gnome!
I reach down as fast as I can and grab the power cable to yank it out of the PSU! When I do, the cable itself completely separates! I’m holding the cable wire in my hand while the main fitting is still there in the PSU!
The cable insulation completely burned itself up and the wires themselves were frying! When I yanked on it, the whole thing just came apart!
My mind is racing! I’m already going through a mental checklist of parts and components I have in the closet so I can replace whatever is damaged!
I unplug all the peripherals and put my poor traumatized rig up on the counter and take the side panels off!
I grab my little flashlight and begin a visual inspection!
No visual burns anywhere? Hmm, good sign!
I give everything the sniff test! I’ve got my nose all up in my rig sniffing every inch, being sure to get some good whiffs in around the PSU!
No burnt smells! Hooray!! I realize the system is likely fine and I need to take a closer look at the power cable!
I snatch up the wrecked cable and look closer at it wondering what wrong! And then it occurs to me that this cable looks a little small!
When I was doing some upgrades recently and had a mess of everything, I wasn’t paying attention and grabbed the wrong power cable out of my bin! I think this pos is from an old monitor! D’oh! D’oh! D’oh!
Thank God I was home when this happened!
It could have been so much worse!
Now I know why it was on my mind lately to get renter’s insurance, which I just did a few days ago!
So lucky!
Don’t make my mistake, folks! Always check and be sure you’re using the right power cables!
I haven’t used enough exclamation points!
Here’s more!!
Oh! Almost forgot to add that I dug out the right power cable and all is well now! Woot Woot!