Spark of Omen bug

Is there a fix or a way to get fragmented sparks of omen? I am not receiving any. It doesn’t matter the content I run, the weeklies I do, the raids I run ect. I have only to date received 2 fragments. Is anyone else experiencing this and if so, how did you get it corrected?

No real answers, only questions. Did you complete the main campaign? Do you have access to world quests and all of the other weekly quests which reset each week?

Yes I have done it all. I am on my 12th 80. All others gain the sparks. Just this one doesn’t.

Holy crow…12th level 80!! Well, like I said, no answers and my questions don’t seem to fit into troubleshooting the issue for you. :frowning:

Ty for trying though. Have a great day :slight_smile:

I too am not receiving and spark of omen…