Spark of Life

Hey Blizz, can you make it so there’s more options to get Sparks?
Trying to give WpVp a try and farming it takes too long, from someone trying to try pvp this late into the xpac it’s a pain, from getting blown up in bgs to farming a resource that’s hard to come by, at this point ill stick to Brawls, the only good implementation to pvp in a while(imo). TY

Hello Obamageddon,

So you can get sparks from:

Supply crate: x10
Rares: x8
World Quests: x10 (usually 3-4, maybe more)
Expidition packs: x5
Players: x1

Am I missing anything?

If you cannot find any rares or solo 'em, or find any packs, which respawn fairly often, wait a few days and do the World Quests when they reset. Presto! Done.


Ohh and if you are behind on Sparks, you can buy them.

They cost 3500 honor for 1, which comes pretty quickly if you are q’in random/epic bgs occassionally.


TY Lorthon, I’ll look into more of what you listed :slight_smile:

A lot of great suggestions already listed above.

Another thing you can do if you want more pvp out of it, is you look for a wpvp quest in the zone for that week. Works best on a Tuesday or even Saturday. Use LFG to find a sparks group. Most of the fighting will be near the graveyard and you just aoe everything.

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