Title: I’m in war mode. In Zaralek Cavern. The Sparks of Life quest is not updating sparks with the normal actions of completing the weekly quests or opening chests or any quest for that matter.
Same here.
Same problem, nothing works
Same problem, hope they fix it soon.
Seems to still be bugged. Stinks for people that already did some of the world quests.
Weekly PVP Quest - Sparks of Life: Zaralek Cavern
This quest requires collecting “Sparks of Life” from activities in Zaralek Caverns, while in War Mode. Currently, I am playing in war mode, and I have completed multiple world quests, opened multiple treasure piles, done the daily/weekly events in the zones, but I have not gotten sparks of life. The only Spark of Life I have got was when I killed a player from the opposite faction in the zone.
Same here. I completed 6 worldquest to then realized no credit for sparks.
Yes, having same issue this week. 6/6.
blizzard have to give a solution before the new wq rotation begins.
I am experiencing the same thing with the “Sparks of Life: Zaralek Cavern” quest. I’ve tried on two different characters in war mode over the past 24 hours, and the only thing that is awarding sparks is killing enemy players.
Bounty bags and the war supply crate are also giving sparks like normal, so it seems they just completely forgot the PvE side of war mode with this.
I only get sparks from pvp kills, nothing from wpvp quests or world quests.
I didn’t get any sparks from the supply drop. Never had a bounty so couldn’t check that.
Crazy we are 2 days in and we haven’t heard a word. Kinda shows you how they feel about PvP lol.
I’ve done two supply crates (1 on each character) and also haven’t gotten any sparks from either. I haven’t been able to test a bounty bag though (because I’m bad at the game).
Anyone know if this has been fixed?
It’s in tonight’s hotfixes.