Spark crafting makes pvping and pveing very unfun and delays one of your activities by 4 weeks

So currently if you pvp, and want to dip your toes into pve, It takes 3 weeks to make your optimal two pvp crafted items, then 4 weeks to make two pve optimal crafted items, this creates some very unnecessary friction… On the alpha sockets for pvp are no longer from the vault which is beautiful, I would love if sparks / splinters could also get the same treatment, maybe a war mode option for a bloodied spark of XXXX type of deal, like bloody tokens, so that the few who want to do both, don’t have to wait so long please

The change for the vault to not have pvp items is a terrific start, the socket change is also fantastic, just needs crafted items to not also involve regular pve activities :slight_smile:

how do you get sockets for pvp gear now out of curiosity

No vault next expansion eases this woe. Nothing will change till then

This why I have alts

I agree that everything shouldn’t be time gated into oblivion but in case you haven’t noticed this game has been ultra sand box hand holding since MOP. Prior too I can understand why lockouts existed. A patch lasted long enough to justify them. Those days are long gone.

I made a second monk specifically for this. 1 pve, 1 pvp


In the next expansion It’s still TBD but there is a “vicious” socket item that is different than the PVE item, so please make a bloody spark or something so there’s less time gating :slight_smile:

This is the way tbh

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