Spanish forced inclusion?

Hey this post is something we’ve discussed in spanish, I just wanted to bring it here for making sure we get an answer on this.

Dude, for real in latin spanish we’ve got a NON-official blizzard (cause it’s only on this language) “they” inclusion for majordome using E as instead of O (which is a male word- in Spanish words are either male or female) for she/he. Which is really a lack of orthography as a lack of sense on the Spanish morpologhy as , as It should be Ella/Él NOT ELLE. Which is like saying They instead of She/He.

THIS IS A VIDEOGAME in which we come to not have “language forced inclusion on a MAIN STORY CHARACTER”. We believe this was a translation non authorized by blizzard but by some people on the Spanish team, which we believe is not to happen.

Ty all!