I’m trying to create a macro which allows me to spam ALTER TIME.
/castsequence [nomod] reset=3 Alter Time, null
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Alter Time
The idea is to make my spam safe for 3 seconds. And this works if I spam the button slowly (like one click each half second). However, if I spam the buttom quickly seems it simply ignores the castsequence ‘null’ and immediately return to original position.
You guys have any idea?
worse, then it generates a lua exception. lol
That makes no sense, 0 is technically a valid equipment slot.
Will test on my mage when I can.
That’s odd but not completely out of left field, macros do experience some weird race conditions.
I ran into this all the time trying to use macros with fallthrough conditions like casting an instant and then something with a cast time. You can test it with something basic like:
/castsequence [@player] reset=7 Arcane Intellect, Conjure Refreshment
/cast Teleport: Dornogal
Spam that too much and you will be porting to Dorn even though that should be impossible. The more condition checks and lines between unwanted actions the more likely the game is to think that it should be looking farther down the macro.
But I’ve never seen it happen within a single castsequence line. I already use a macro like that for Alter Time and yep it does that for me too. How many PVP deaths did that cause. :<
/castsequence reset=5 Alter Time, Smite
also did not work, nor did sequencing AT and then another valid ability.
Makes me think that there’s something screwy with the way Alter Time changes SpellIDs, and the macro takes a second to catch up and realize it’s on the next entry. Since you can’t /cast spell IDs directly, you can’t even make it a strictly toggle-on button and have some other keybind return/cancel.
Ok so I just tested it on my mage and I’m not having any issues with spamming it as Frost with the following build
#showtooltip Alter Time
/castsequence [nomod] reset=3 Alter Time, 0
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Alter Time
That… worked, and then it didn’t.
Changed talents back from that template and now it isn’t working in either my normal Frostfire talents or that Spellslinger set.
Even more confused now.
Tried playing with SpellQueueWindow cvar for kicks, and still have AT re-firing whether that’s set to 0 or 400.
Could try sticking /cqs
before the castsequence.
This keeps getting weirder, and makes me fear I am completely senile.
/cqs also made it work one time and then stopped.
It’s almost like the first Alter Time cast sets some kind of server-side flag that doesn’t get repeated after it already exists. Exited, deleted cache folder, logged in to a different mage and it didn’t go back to working even the single time. Staying logged out for a bit to see if that resets whatever alien brainwave conspiracy I’m on.
Is it consistent if you switch the macro to this?
/castsequence reset=3 Alter Time, 0
Should immediately switch to the ?
after first press (make sure you’ve selected ?
as the macro icon).
Not consistent at all, was just poking at it and
/castsequence reset=3 Alter Time, Smite
alone worked fine.

Wait, twice!
But not twice consecutively.
Well one thing that’s different from normal about my setup is that I have abilities set to trigger on key up instead of key down.
/run C_CVar.SetCVar("ActionButtonUseKeyDown", 0)`
So that might have something to do with the consistency I’m getting.
Have abilities firing on key-up as well, if it’s working consistently for you then idk what else might be going on. Might need OP or others to chime in with results.
I suspect my inconsistency is more due to the speed that I’m hammering on keys that aren’t ready yet. Sometimes there’s just enough delay between the first 2 hits I guess.
The real solution might be to trust the spell queueing more and break the habit of mashing keys 5 times a second.
You’re not crazy. It’s doing the same thing to me.
It works the first time, and then afterwards it refuses to allow me to snap back even if I wait out the time I set in the macro.
It’s like the the Reset function isn’t working at all.
Casting it while its on 0 will result in this error
1x bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local result = C_Item.IsEquippableItem(itemInfo))