Space Jam is Recruiting

Space Jam is a guild with the hopes of adding a few more core raid players. We don’t consider ourselves a hardcore progression guild however we do expect all core raiding members to be respectful, on time and ready (basic consumables, repaired, etc.). We have a strong emphasis on community and we are really striving to make Space Jam a place that people enjoy being! Right now, we are starting our progression group.

Current raid times are Saturdays and Thursdays starting at 9pm EST (9pm Server time). Amount of content and current progression will vary the amount of time required but will not exceed 3 hours.

Current Progression:

0/8 BWL

0/10 MC

0/1 Onyxia

Current recruitment of classes for the core raid group: Low = Having pre-raid BIS required for consideration

Druid - Low

Hunter - Closed

Mage - Open

Rogue - Open

Priest - Open

Shaman - Low

Warlock - Open

Warrior - Fury is open, Tank is low

Contact Goldenwarrio or Zeromercy is game for details.