Seen a SP do 400m dmg/200m healing in a deepwind gorge bg. Spec/gear was basic, how is that doable? Never seen those numbers in a random bg.
Happened like 2 days ago and I can’t stop thinking about it.
Seen a SP do 400m dmg/200m healing in a deepwind gorge bg. Spec/gear was basic, how is that doable? Never seen those numbers in a random bg.
Happened like 2 days ago and I can’t stop thinking about it.
Long game, people left him largely unchecked and at a constant high target count team fight.
One thing about random BGs is most of the time nobody in them does anywhere close to the amount of damage their class is actually capable of doing. You get an RBG / PVE hero with enough understanding of PvP and give them the opportunity to blast damage they’ll put everyone to shame, especially on a spread cleaver spec like SP.
I haven’t done PvP for a while but I’ve routinely had BGs where I did more than half of my team’s total damage and got accused of cheating. People simply aren’t aware of how much more damage it’s possible to be doing, so when they see it it’s a real shock.
That dmg is epic bg worthy, and even then, you only ever see classes like boomkin that high. His healing, healers in regular bgs typically come to around 200m.
I “fought” him multiple times, can assure you pressure wasn’t a thing, was on my BM hunter, fully geared and with multiple fights, all CDs they could simply ignore me if they chose to. Only forced him around a wall to heal once and it seemed more less because 3 of us were full on raid bossing him.
Just strange. Was hoping someone could explain beyond free casting which he never did. Wish I’d saved the details.
Sounds like you weren’t doing BM properly or he had a good healer. A properly played BM can absolutely pressure spriest.
He was definitely free casting.
Anyways random BG’s aren’t really a good measure of anything. He could be hardcore and using tons of pots vs random bgers that are mostly terrible and just there for fun.
You can probably stop thinking about it now lol
Could argue you’re incorrect but no point since you’re clearly a superior mind.
Enjoy making the forums more toxic than they already are.
I mean someone else replied to you and gave you some pretty good reasoning. Then told them they were wrong about everything (ie free casting). So I don’t know how anything I said is anymore superior than what you said.
Sorry for pointing out why you shouldn’t worry about some random BG’s Shadow priest damage and healing? Random BG’s are not a good measure of anything ever…
More important point: did they win?
Been a while since I did BGs, but as I recall, the person with the highest damage was almost always someone who sat mid and never bothered with the actual objectives of the bg.
It kinda depends. While having high coverall damage isn’t inherently going to win the game, having the upper hand in team fights and being able to occupy / threaten people alone to create numbers advantages elsewhere on the map is hugely valuable. Not to mention waiting for the spirit healer is the best CC in the game.
He was probably running archon and using halo often. That ability can do a decent amount of damage and healing in a 40 yd radius, and it’s only on a 1 min cd.
Pretty normal build, voidweaver. Only thing he was running that’s not common was Angel’s Mercy & blessed recovery which would explain a little extra healing (not that much).
Going with an anomaly as it’s the only time I’ve ever seen those numbers this season in a 15min bg match.
To be able to utilize void weaver properly he would have had to have been free casting.