SP question - mind sear

It never procs - and if it does the most it lasts is about 2 seconds. What am I doing wrong? Bad talent selection? Rotation? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Mind sear costs insanity to channel, it has a maximum duration of 2 gcds, and costs 25 insanity per tick. It ticks twice per gcd, making it cost 50 per global. You must have at least 50 insanity to start channelling mind sear.

The situations

  • If you cast mind sear with 50-74 insanity, you will channel it for 2 ticks (25 each) which is 1 global. The cast will be interrupted half way through because you ran out of insanity.

  • If you cast mind sear with 75-99 insanity, you will channel for 3 ticks (25 each) for 1 and a half globals. The cast will be interrupted 3/4 of the way through because you ran out of insanity.

  • If you cast mind sear with 100 insanity, you will channel for 4 ticks, spending at 100 insanity and channelling for the full 2 globals.

  • If you have a mind devourer proc and you cast mind sear, your mind sear will channel for full 2 gcds (4 ticks) and not consume any insanity.

Mind sear drains insanity gradually throughout its channel, meaning if you had 70 insanity and started a channel, if you generated 5 more from other sources (Ghosts / Mindbender) before your insanity dropped below 25 it would consume that extra 25 and tick once more.

The main takeaways

  • Mind Sear spends insanity at the same rate per global as Devouring Plague. 50 per.

  • The channel interrupted itself because you ran out of insanity is not you making a mistake. You spent X insanity and got X insanity worth of damage out of it.

  • Mind Devourer procs spent on mind sear are more efficient because you get a full mind sear channel (100 insanity saved) compared to a single free plague (50 insanity saved)


What they said.