SP Hunter concern w/ Lock & Load adjustment

Hi, I run as a Spell Power Hunter in the endgame. It’s not intended or directly supported, but it works well enough that I have fun running it.

During Phase 4 I’ve managed to make the build work by using Lock and Load to rotate between double Chimera Shot and double Arcane Shot casts. With the Lock and Load nerf, this rotation is now dead. I understand that L&L was probably too powerful and think the nerf was warranted, but I am left with half the number of ways to apply my Spell Power than before, and wanted to bring this to your attention.

If someone is willing to take the time to do it, I’d like to ask that you consider tripling the effect of the “Improved Arcane Shot” talent to offset the loss of casts.

Currently, IAS reduces the cooldown of Arcane Shot by 1 second at 5/5 points. Arcane Shot has a base cooldown of 6 seconds, so it is brought down to 5 seconds with this talent - not very useful. Tripling the effect would instead bring Arcane Shot down to a 3 second cooldown, allowing someone that opts to invest those talent points the ability to use Arcane shot twice as often.

A concern may be that Arcane Shot and Aimed Shot have a shared cooldown trigger. Using one puts the other on cooldown, but reducing the cooldown of Arcane Shot has no effect on the cooldown of Aimed Shot. Using Arcane Shot with 5/5 IAS would put both on a 3 second cooldown, but using Aimed Shot with 5/5 IAS would put both on a 6 second cooldown.

This change should have no effect on traditional hunters (who typically skip the talent entirely) but would be a huge help for me and my niche build. Again, I realize this isn’t a change that affects a huge number of people and thus would has a low priority relative to other things you spend your time fixing/adjusting, but if it’s easy enough to do it would make a huge difference for me!
