Soylent green original

I wont spoiler the ending , but I was fascinated with the factory at the end. At one point Charlton Heston ran past a large 6 cylinder diesel generator and like 4 turbines , that look like the kind you would run electric trains on, and the big vat with the spinning catwalk in the middle , was yet another completely different location.

It did not come across as being as apocolyptic as it was in the 70s, but it is still a fun movie.
I completely forgot about the Eight is Enough dad running the theater where the old man died.
This is one of those movies you should watch at least once that stuck in my head for years.


Soylent Green was set in 2022, not long after Beyond Burgers started really hitting the market.

Just sayin…


Yea that scene ran through my head when I saw that similar scene in Cloud Atlas.

Great movie, not saying it’s prophetic or anything but…uh…you can clearly see the setting/themes back in the day with it that people today might share same concern. The fact it was set in 2022 and shows a lot of people wearing masks. The intro was great.