Sov, needs to be reverted

im not sure about how anyone else feels but sov was an added survival ability that helped us not feel so squishy. ive ran some keys today and while I understand that we are setting up for tww, the nerf towards sov seems a bit excessive. currently sov has a 1.5 min cool down, if your not talented into a time reduction for it and if you are, it would drop it down to a 1 min cool down. prior to this, sov was on a 30sec cd, which allowed you to use it in dire instances. if we are wanting to get rid of sov, then we need a better time reduction for divine protection because currently its making it more difficult for us to stay alive when huge bursts of damage are going out.

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sov was never on a 30 sec cd, only divine protection has “changed”

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I just know that sov felt like it was recharging faster then it currently is. the cd on it seems alot longer then it was. it just doesnt feel the same anymore, for some reason.

No it wasn’t.
You’re fabulizing.

The SoV nerf is two-fold.

  1. We lost a 10% effectiveness from the talent they repurposed to only increase DP.
  2. Versatility is no longer our best stat and so we loose out on the scaling SoV had with it and on the added benefit of reducing more damage on a bigger shield.

That’s it.

You must be very prone to psychosomatic symptoms…

Don’t you feel your skin crawling? Like there were bugs on it? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: