Serpents have open recruitment!
Do you have what it takes to become a Serpent?
Do you have guild pride?
Are you social and use discord?
Do you enjoy PvP of any kind?
If yes then please keep reading. If not then keep reading any ways!
Who we are:
Down to earth couple with state (Texas) local friends that are simply wanting to build a casual progressional guild. We are into Wpvp and PvP mostly, with exceptions of a few of us that are into PvE more. We enjoy farming mounts. xmogs and going for achieves as well. We are a mixture of vets and new players alike.
Who we are looking for:
Social Gamer’s that enjoy hanging out in discord. Any one really that is still playing in retail wanting a new guild or looking for new people to game with. Although we are PvP focused all is welcomed. PvPers, Raiders, Role Players Casuals, Hard Cores, New Comers or Veterans. Any Level. Any. Class. Any Race. All is welcome to join no matter your experience in game.
Activities and Expectations:
It is not mandatory to Role Play, Raid or PvP. You game at your leisure for your enjoyment not ours.
We will have set nights for Raids, Rated PvP and Guild Events. Along with weekly random Wpvp, BG’s, and Mythics.
Its a free style atmosphere. Its going to be pretty much come as you are and game as you can to enjoy your game time. Most of us work 40 hrs weekly and don’t have time to partake in Raids, Rated PvP or join Guild Events every week. Therefore we chose to use a system that allows those that have a busy IRL, able to use their free game time for their benefit doing things in game that THEY enjoy.
There will be Raids, Role Playing events, Guild events and Rated PvP events up on the calendar for every one to sign up for. Pick the activities you are interested in and partake in them. It’s that simple.
Example: If there is a raid up and you’d like to join , you’re high enough lvl, and geared. Simply sign up, be in discord and ready to go before raid. If you can’t then you simply don’t sign up. Please be respectful and at least let someone from the guild know if you are unable to show up for an event you signed up for. That is all we ask. Do not hold back the guild from progressing.
Example: If you log in and see a raid about to take place and wish to go. Simply let us know, join discord and come raid.
It’s as simple as that. If we have an open spot you are welcome to join us. There are no core spots for anything. Everyone is treated equal and allowed to progress in game at their own leisure within the guild or solo outside the guild.
With this system however in order to progress or make game time enjoyable, there’d have to be consistency and dedication towards Raiding, Rated PvP and Guild Events as with any guild on any realm.
We are for the most part all adults and are not baby sitters. We will not tolerate drama or members giving our guild name bad reputation from bad behavior in or outside the guild community.
No Political discussions within guild chat or discord as it causes unwanted drama. We log in to game or socialize not to stir the political pot for debates on political topics.
No Racism or hate speech of any kind.
We will not tolerate RP griefers or interupt Role Playing Events.
There are no ranks to climb as it just adds stress and makes the game more like a job instead of focusing on enjoying the game. With exceptions to having a few people in higher ranks to help keep the guild running smoothly. (ie: guild master, co guild master, Leads for pvp and pve.)
Discord for voice chatting and hanging out when gaming as usual. Mandatory for all Raids, Rated PvP and Progressional Mythics to eliminate confusion during game play.
Guild and Faction Pride!
Some of us are BIG on guild pride and faction pride. Therefore we’ll have guild flying and ground mounts. Along with guild colors to wear if you chose to.
We’ll storm our enemies capitol cities and bring havoc on them all!
OR die trying … Either way well bring Death or Victory!
Interested in join us? Don’t hesitate to hit me up in game or btag.